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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I was the one that recommended the book, I believe, due to the many drawings and diagrams.
  2. I am well. Well enough to know that I am well, and that I should complain of nothing, having as I have, sooo much.
  3. William read the letter once and only once before looking at Dorian and saying, "It must be an unsettling feeling indeed to overwhelm the judgment of Miss O'Treasaigh and cause two privateers to seem more welcome than this Esperanza." William looked down the docks and wondered which of the vessels harbored there was the plague ship of Miss Kildare's letter. There was no ship along the docks that seemed more or less threatening than any other, though he thought he might go see this ship for himself before the day was out. Still, Miss Kildare would expect an answer and he would need to pen a letter, travel to see her or invite her to the Watch Dog for some discussion on the matter. "Is this Miss Kildare not a companion and boarder of Miss O'Treasaigh?" Dorian could not say, not knowing a great deal about the woman himself, and he said as such. He explained that she had been present as long as he had known the chirurgeon, but even he second guessed this after a moment, leaving the matter with a shrug. William looked at the boy and said, "Please inform Miss Kildare that I will speak with her by day's end and would understand her whole reason for seeking passage." The boy nodded and lingered and William was obliged to pay him another small coin just to see him go. Then, setting the matter aside, they went aboard the Lucy.
  4. August 3, 1704 - At the St. Louis Docks Eight bells of Morning Watch. Forenoon Watch begins. "The Lucy..." William said simply, standing at Dorian's elbow. William was wearing the 'Dare I ask?' expression of a bemused friend, but said nothing. Dorian smiled and said nothing back. William looked at the cutter and then back to Captain Lasseter. "Will you not invite me aboard, Sah? We must drink to your new command." William said this with equal portions of jest and seriousness, for he was not of a mind for much drinking after last night, but as he had not been aboard the Lucy he considered the formality a good gesture to dissuade those superstitions which passed among the able seamen. Dorian gestured to the Lucy and they would have gone aboard the cutter then if not for the arrival of an unusual messenger. A boy, not yet 15 arrived dressed in the fashion of the poor, though clean and polite. He introduced himself not by name, but by errand, saying that he had come at the service of Miss Briar Kildare and would know which of the two men was Captain Dorian Lasseter. Once he was satisfied that he had the correct captain, he passed over a letter that had seen a rough night in the protection of the lad. Dorain accepted it and the boy lingered. "Not bad news, I hope...?" William asked, curious to know the matter without being too forward.
  5. Welcome aboard, lass. Have you visited any number of replica ships in that neck of the woods, or in this case, sea?
  6. William Brand and Mary (Donna) Diamond sharing bacon...
  7. Boo's Camp. Jim Warren's Camp. Tortuga? Bilgemunky. Iron Jack and Paula.
  8. August 3, 1704 - The St. Louis Docks The Watch Dog anchored within a hundred yards of shore and her remaining smallboats were swung out to except those crew members bound for shore. William gave the deck over to Bootneck Morgan and leaving only the fore watches aboard, he allowed all who wished to go over to the Heron that they might be present for Captain Lasseter's ceremony at the St. Louis docks. Many excepted the invitation, as most of them suspected some celebration might be in order and rum beyond their alloted ration might not be out of the question. Eric Franklin left the ship, leaving Luc in charge of those marines on aboard. He joined Captain Brand in the jollywatt, where he manned the tiller during the short crossing. Soon they were all ashore and the mingling of crews continued as crew of both ships on leave found their way to the docks.
  9. Ahhh...tonight's special is bacon wrapped shrimp in an apricot glaze.
  10. I'll print the order at the first of the year, but send away and I'll set aside an envelope.
  11. I'll take a very dark chocolate. Very dark. I want it to stain my liver.
  12. Tonight's special is potato soup with bacon and poblano chilies...
  13. You now have to film it and put it to music.
  14. Mister O'Keefe! Always glad to see another boardwright aboard ship, you ol' joyner, you. A carpenter is a must, but as you are a turner as well, there is no captain here that would turn you away. Welcome aboard, lad.
  15. A fleeing redhead? What are you implying...? And yes Silkie, there will be v-necks for the women...well, and Maddogge.
  16. I'm working on the Mercury flag, but that can be the club pin.
  17. Well, we discussed a "My...Feet!" shirt, so here it is. How much interest do we have? I need an estimate before I even consider an order. Since it will likely be a short run, I'll charge $20, which includes shipping. White imprint on black, 100% cotton t-shirts. Front... Back... Please make checks payable to: William Pace 143 South 400 West Logan, Utah 84321 I'll wait until I have all the checks before screening, just in case a few people want to jump on the bandwagon. Speaking of band wagons...that might have saved my feet.
  18. August 3, 1704 - On the Cul du Sac Royal William and Jim arrived amidships after what had been a very long conversation in the ward room. William wore an affable smile and looked as content as he ever had aboard the Watch Dog. Jim wore the smile he was most often seen in. Quiet. Contemplative. They appeared no different today than any other day. Two officers of the 'Dog standing on a dawning deck. Still, had anyone taken the time to look closely enough they would have seen a look in Jim's eyes that was different than usual. His eyes bore the weight of many new things which had recently settled upon him. They were also bright with something akin to fever, but calm. Between the time he had gone below and the time he had returned to the decks in William's company, Jim had altered a little in his bearing. He stood taller than William, and always had, but today was different. There was something in the way he stood, shoulders back, one foot turned outward. There was something in the way he seemed to look everywhere at once, yet inward as well. Both men stood at the rail, saying nothing. They sipped at something dark which they had brought out from the galley. They both had their eyes turned towards the docks of St. Louis where the Heron lay, soon to be christened anew, if such a word could be used to rename a privateer. "Mister Warren." William said, turning to Jim. "Take the helm if you please." "Aye, Cap'n." Jim said, his smile belying some shared joke between them. "Mister Morgan!" "Sah!" returned the Bosun's Mate. "Have the fore watch stand ready at the capstan!" "Aye, aye, Sah!" ~Starboard Watches on Duty~
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