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William Brand

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About William Brand

  • Birthday 12/17/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Logan, Utah
  • Interests
    My lovely wife, three children, art, photography, writing, travel, history, theology, food, pyracy & Disorder.

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  1. Rob elevated my interest in lanterns to a 'next level' status. I notice them more in paintings and literature. I go down lantern rabbit holes I never chased before, and by doing so, I've discovered new and interesting things.
  2. I would love to see updates to this, so if you're considering taking up an instrument, whether you have a natural talent for it or not...PLEASE DO. Expand and explore new things. I love live music at events. Even people that are just starting out, I don't mind if you're a novice. We need more live music!
  3. Constitutional Law. No I'm not kidding. I read all the Executive orders of the first day, which raised questions and more questions and interesting historical tidbits and rabbit holes and wandering and all the stuff. It's good to know what's said no matter what you think about it. Information is key to understanding and so I delved, reminded and informed myself about the stuff. I've also been reading period cookbooks for the hobby.
  4. Questions. 1 - Favorite weapon? 2 - Hat of choice? 3 - Preferred ship? 4 - Cake or Pie?
  5. Oops. Mixing up the sites. I still mean the Ragoo beans, but at Gaines!
  6. The Ragoo French Green Beans and Potatoes were excellent! One of the best 'comfort meal' dishes at the event last April. It was so nice to stand or sit about with other sailors and eat good food.
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. I have recipes for mischief. Add Chaaps and Stynky to taste.
  9. Mister Gorrell! Welcome aboard.
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