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cpts plesur wnch

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Everything posted by cpts plesur wnch

  1. born, raised, and stuck in virginia, bout 10 minutes away from DC and about an hour from The Maryland Renaissance Festival. I always said when i get older i was going to move, but i'm kind of partial to being this close to MDRF, but i have a while before my parental units decided to kick me out...
  3. Wow thats really neat! I don't have a pirate shelf come to think of it i don't have any shelves however my whole bedroom is kind of dedicated to pyrates fiction and non.
  4. Thank you sooo much its all helped tons and i plan on hitting up the library sometime this week to look for those books!
  5. wow thanx a bunch i'll definatly have to check that one out.
  6. If anyone knows any good websites/books, i could use to research Granuaile (Grace) O'Malley, it would be much appreciated. I'm attempting to write a story based on her life for a school summer assignment. Much thanx in advance.. love yas wren
  7. ahhh thats really cool, quite creative
  8. WOW thank you sooo much it answered a lot of the questions i've had!
  9. I am rather confused now. See from what i have read (which is of course nothing compared to the amazing knowledge of all of you) was it not the palm of the hand that was branded for thievery, in which wasn't the raising of the right hand in court derived from? Or mayhaps i be thinking of another time then? I also agree with the hangings being more effective, and as for the self inflicted things, i will keep my mouth shut on such issues as i may contain much common sense, as i myself have a pyrate-referenced burn on my left arm...
  10. what got me into piracy..... I must admit Peter Pan introduced me to it first, and being me strange self i fell in love with the villain. Then a few years later me wench of a sister dragged me off to the Maryland Renaissance Festival where I abosolutely fell in love with the time period, and since then I've spent every day of my life researchin the subject. The year after my first day at faire, I met a man who's been quite a good friend to me, and just happened to be married to a pirate. Since then everything that remotely related to a pirate made me an extremely happy lass. So i became "obsessed" Then of course POTC came out and with me already being a HUGE johnny fan i fell i nlove with that, not to mention it made pirate merchandise a hell of a lot more avalible to me!
  11. Wow those were both amazing!
  12. personally i'd want it for the oposite reason i think those skeletons were looking mighty fine!
  13. i regret to say i have not read that book but it is now on my list of things to read. i haven't recently read any pirate related material i just finished the vampire chronicles for about the millionth time...
  14. like with Tim Curry?! I do love my tim curry....
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