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Captain Barbossa

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About Captain Barbossa

  • Birthday 07/09/1966

Profile Information

  • Location
    I be a sneaky and mysterious bastard, so I ain't tellin'!
  • Interests
    Terrorizing the hell out of young people, seeking revenge on Jack Sparrow and eating a whole bushel of apples!
  1. Lookin' fer a hat ye say lass? Well, me lovely one, ye can always borrow mine when ye want to. ~winks with a devilish smirk~
  2. Great pictures thar lass. Looks to be like a good time was had by all. Ye are indeed a lovely lass, any gent would be enjoying yer company.
  3. I agree with Captain Morgana, there should also be an 18 inch Barbossa doll too. Not that I be biased or anything like that! ~cheesy grin~
  4. ~standin' there with pie all over face. looks at the Lady Sakura as she giggles and runs off with apple and rum~ Right then lass, now I be involved too! ~shrugs out of coat and tosses plumed hat on to nearby chair~
  5. ~walkin' by, stoppin' at the sound of women's laughter and splashin'. Also hears a male's voice laughin' too. looks in the window and sees all the goin's on and gives a sly grin~ 'scuse me lasses, seein' as thar be a man in this 'ere party, wonderin' iffn' I may partake as well? I bring with me rum and apples.
  6. Aye, Desert Pyrate! Hey Tiki mate, what the hell ye be on? I see in yer profile yer a youngin', so had a mite too much sugar did ye?
  7. I still think we should make Eisner walk the plank!
  8. That be bloody awful, but I laughed my ass off!
  9. Wow be a good word thar William. It be all I can say, WOW! :)
  10. Nice coin thar lass. :)
  11. Hope it was a good one for ye Stitch. I must say, mine was nothing to complain about!
  12. Many thanks to all of ye for the birthday wishes!
  13. Only the Wil doll will be! The Barbossa one will be quite....BIG!
  14. Hey, the title of this post is misleading! I say all the ladies in this pub line up so I can peak into yer bodice! Starting with the one who started this post! ~evil grin~
  15. Sorry lass, it was really me who wrote ye the letter. I be just playin' with ye! Geoffrey's a great actor and it seems pretty obvious he's a nice guy too.
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