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Dream Wench

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About Dream Wench

  • Birthday 04/03/1947

Profile Information

  • Location
    Colorado And Florida
  • Interests
    Poetry, Travel, Costumes, Astrology, Flamingos, Tapirs,The Unseen World, UFO's Vintage Travel trailers, Taos, Las Vegas, the desert, Donkeys, Vegetarianism, Ecology, Solitude, Calexico, Rock a Billy, New Age Music....Horseracing, Photography, Classical music, Dreams, Mannequins, strange actors, offbeat things. I Dislike the declining quality in goods, and services in order to appease greedy, lazy,or easily hoodwinked people. Not A Bush Fan. Never married. I love Pirates. There's more....I don't like bad neighbours.
  1. I be landlocked...fer a bit longer....headin' ta Vegas in September ta see Tha Pirates...methinks I belong down tha road from Vegas...with trips in ta see me adopted crew...arggghhh! Free libations fer all o ye ! A Hug an a swoon fer tha good lookin' men..and a sincere admiration fer the ladies who keep 'em happy ! Dream Wench
  2. I be fixin' 30 key lime pies...fer all o ye.....line up if so inclined....take as big a piece as ye needs......an' don't ferget ta notice tha dancin skeletal figures.....poking out o tha whipped cream toppin'...arrggg! Jes got in from seein' the creator sendin' down them meteors.....
  3. http://ytcsummit.com/subcategory.asp?ksid=...ction=giftwares General Skull menu
  4. http://ytcsummit.com/detail.asp?ksid=30013...ction=giftwares I found this online...they have quite a few skull things, and Pirates...they are based in Arcadia, California. Sorry I have been somewhat absent...but, I have been a busy lass....travellin' and lookin'..an dreamin' an cookin.' I cares about me fella Pirates...drinks on me...free libations ! A skull is a powerful thing ta take fer walks.....
  5. Dream Wench be landlocked....visitin' Indians..an cacti..but I be here in spirit ta offer a round fer me friends and mateys !
  6. Glad you enjoyed it, Christine !
  7. A ghostly pirate moves thru the trees I watch him on my hands and knees he shifts upon the slightest breeze now there's no one left to please Why can't he let me touch his face ? I'd wear my finest Ivory lace He'll vaporise when I'm near his place perhaps his game..is just the chase They say he died in '93 that's a hundred years to me I wish just once he would not flee It would be my final plea After that I'd sail with him always youthful always slim future bright and never grim give my gown a little trim So entwined not separated ghostly dances now have mated parting ways are never slated a hungry heart is rarely sated C July 13 2004 Dream Wench (Colorado Valley)
  8. Aye, Charity..I be a wench..but we Poets can channel other personas...ta make a point..I felt his pain...as him..an' as an onlooker...writin' is like playin' head ping pong ! Pyrate Phil knows what I mean....
  9. Thanks. Love yer mermaid. Make a good spouse...never a dull moment !
  10. Waves are washing over me like a laundromat success a bottle begins to toss again under much duress The message it holds becomes quite clear as I flail about on the land these old sea legs don't dry dock much but tolerate some sand My ship's been sold to pay the bills my ex-wife is bland and boring she groused at home when I lived with her and complained about my snoring I long to sleep beneath the sea where no one shouts at all an Urchin rubdown appeals to me I think I'll have a ball The lion fish gives a welcomed kiss I feel a jellied sting my eyes slip below the surface now and air doesn't mean a thing C July 9 2004 Dream Wench (Colorado)
  11. Sorry to hear about your loss, Nigel..but the Universe will make it up to you one day.....
  12. http://www.wharf.com/ariel/Costuming.htm
  13. That's a nice basic pattern. The cutaway coat seems more sensible for summer use. I also love the mens and womens coats with full skirts. I enjoy the way they swirl and move. During the 1970's there were a few designers who made romantic clothing, especially the Poet shirts.
  14. Phil....It be an old postcard....most likely a stage play, or silent film. They had fantastic costumes back then. I was searching a site called Tallulahs postcards..hoping she had pirate, or nautical themes. I found this one. Yes..some of the men were "a tad foofy"...but...it's OK by me..I have always been a bit strange...meself.. if a man be dressin' in wench garb.....I be tha first ta say "Turn around so's I kin sees ya better" If a wench be dressin' like a man...I be tha first ta say "You're a sight ta behold" I likes what I likes when I sees it..an' I know ye do as well...Phil ......
  15. Pleased to please you. I love tragic romantic tales..with a bit of a twist. Give me a breeze, a little passion, a restless skeleton, an' I'll have him (or her) in love in no time ! For Cire
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