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  • Location
    Shores of the Toxic Willammette
  • Interests
    Pirates, rock and roll. Isn't that enough fer ye bastards?
  1. Yarr and me own favorite pirate band is me own band: Sunken Chest, Portland's Loudest Pirate Rock Band. Unlike some much other so-called pirate music, ours rocks. There may not have been rock and roll in the GAOP, but if there were, I'd think pirates would have added a booming system as part of the general terror (for others) and fun (for themselves). After all, what's more frightening, group harmony singing or the wail of guitars and the crash of the drums? And even if it is historically inaccurate, I guess I don't care. Seems there's too much care given to accuracy in costume and not enough in attitude...but what do I know? I'm a drummer... That's me own self-serving take, at least, and if ya likes pirates and rock and roll, then ye owes yerself a copy of the new Sunken Chest Cd! Yarr!
  2. Ahoy mates! Clambeard the Pyrate Drummarr here to shout at ye about me band, Sunken Chest. We play Pyrate Rock. That is to say, it's only rock and roll and it's only about pirate and the like. We've just released our first album and we're loud and proud of it. Hit the link at the bottom of the post to go to our myspace page. Ye can hear 2 of the songs and order the record. Join our crew while yer at it! We ain't too interested in "authenticity", whatever that is, unless you mean being authentically piratey in our own style and being true to our rockin' selves. This record is for today's pirate, or anyone else who wants to fork over the doubloons... Cheers and fair winds to ya!
  3. Yarr and we be on the myspace: www.myspace.com/sunkenchest Navvy over and join the crew!
  4. Certainly no pirates in the style/era of Blackbeard or the like but the Great Lakes have a long history of criminal enterprise. During Prohibition, many bootleggers crossed the Lakes with illicit hooch from Canada. Detroit and Cleveland were big centers of this, as was, I'm sure, Chicago.
  5. Yarr and I be listening to me iPod on shuffle. Right now, "Sister Ann" by the MC5, true rock and roll pirates.
  6. Arr and I shoulda put this in "Sea Shanties". I foolishly thought music might be part of pop culture, not realizing it was important enough for its own section. More fool me...
  7. Yarr and they're not death metal, but ye should check out Running Wild. They're a German Power Metal band with numerous songs and entire albums about pirates. For fans of Judas Priest and Iron Maiden.
  8. Ahoy mates! Clambeard here, shoutin' about the debut album from his very own band, Sunken Chest, Portland's Loudest Pirate Rock Band. Yarr and tis rock and roll fer pirates. We're not to be confused with Captain Bogg & Salty, also from Portland. They're a great band and all, but we're not them. They're for kids and families and we're for drunken pirates. Navigate to our myspace profile and join the crew! Keep a weather eye open fer arr new album, casting off in the next few weeks!
  9. Yarr! I be the pyrate drummarr fer the pyrate rock band "Sunken Chest"! Drums be the most piratey off all instruments fer ye hit them with a stick.
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