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Cap'n Crusty

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Posts posted by Cap'n Crusty

  1. A pirate I be

    Who writes meter and verse

    I try not to rhyme

    Cos I'm different.

    So there :lol:

    But on the rhyming front:

    My dinghy is covered in booty

    It is really a sight to behold

    But to get in and out

    It quite wears me out

    I think I am getting too old!

    The last time my dinghy was "covered in booty" is when I took J-Lo for a ride......


  2. Reminds me of one I did about a woman who almost swayed me into destroying my family:



    Push me, pull me

    Steering my life off course

    Like the balding tire on my car

    Pulling me toward that twisted guardrail

    Where the last life was taken

    Push me, pull me

    Self control like stripped rack & pinion

    Careening wildly through the night

    Images of long-dead lovers

    Beckon like sirens from the abyss

    Push me, pull me

    Two tires on pavement

    Two in thin air

    Chewing through my brake lines

    She draws me closer to the ledge

    Push me, pull me

    Like suicide, so selfish

    Wanting only what my soul was told to desire

    Swerving to the wrong side

    Almost took out that family of five

    Push me, pull me

    Cut the wheel hard

    Vision clears, the wind carries the voice from my ears

    That was too close for comfort

    Won’t ever fall asleep at the wheel again

  3. Oddly, TWANG! is the only thing I can play on my Fender Strat. Maybe I should sell it?

    I love fiddle, however, especially electric fiddle.  :ph34r:   But I'm not fond of sea shanties. I don't even care to type those two words.

    So... let's hear you play something, Cap'n Crusty!

    Well, as stated elsewhere, I have a few things online at Soundclick. You can bend an ear to them here:


    Be warned that it's mostly loud, heavy distorted stuff. Nothing even closely resembling a "shanty" there!

    "Drunken Noodling" and "Fonkee Groove" are fun.

  4. The other two are motorboats, and having no motor.... well, one doesn't get very far


    The motor is the only thing on my boat that DOES work!

    327 Chevrolet engine.... Hauls arse! I have to rip everything out and replace the deck this year, as it's gone soft.

    'tis enough to drive a scallywag to drink!


  5. Well ya know a man's place is...

    In me bunk!!!


    Many call themselves 'Captain', but they have no ship!!

    Hell, a true pirate Captain never knows his place. That's why he roves the sea takin' it from others. :P

    'ere, wit all that wenchin' going on, when does ya have time to do any plunderin?!


  6. Capt. Goodwench... it seems your name fits your attitude... and thats a good thing. To many capt.s ... not enough ships... but plenty of sea to roam.

    .....and just for the record, I have me own boats. A we one for me and me little ones and something a tad bigger for me whole crew.

    ....... okay.... how about a little survey..... and I know we have done this before, but, who cares..... how many here are really captns...... just a thought................... Flint

    I'm an (almost) cap'n. My vessel won't be sea worthy until next summer, though.

  7. ....and I find meself wishin'...they wud jes pluck me up from a traffic jam..an' plunk me back a century or two...

    Only if'n they had soap back then.

    I may be Crusty, but I HATE bein' CRUSTY, if'n ya savvy!

  8. So, after the lock down on security in airports, and what's allowed as far as cargo, etc. after Sept. 11th, how do those of you who bring weapons to events such as this get them there?

  9. -- we sail our own flag and make our own mischief... just like true pirates should.

    This comment alone is worth a round, if we ever meet.

    Sez I, with that attitude, you're more proper than "Proper"


  10. While sea shanties ain't exactly my strong suit (and I'm more adept at rattling knick-knacks off the wall with my Marshall stack), I do have an acoustic guit-fiddle and recording capabilities.

    If any of you musical types find yerself in need of some 6 string accompaniment, feel free to PM me for a confab.


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