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Cap'n Crusty

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  1. Would ya be showin' me the color of me insides?
  2. The last time my dinghy was "covered in booty" is when I took J-Lo for a ride......
  3. ....the movie "Master and Commander" in here? I thought it was pretty good, even though I despise Russel Crowe.
  4. I have a little dinghy It's quite a nifty rig and if you swab it gently, It tends to get quite BIG! ARR!
  5. Reminds me of one I did about a woman who almost swayed me into destroying my family: ................................................................................ ....................................... Push me, pull me Steering my life off course Like the balding tire on my car Pulling me toward that twisted guardrail Where the last life was taken Push me, pull me Self control like stripped rack & pinion Careening wildly through the night Images of long-dead lovers Beckon like sirens from the abyss Push me, pull me Two tires on pavement Two in thin air Chewing through my brake lines She draws me closer to the ledge Push me, pull me Like suicide, so selfish Wanting only what my soul was told to desire Swerving to the wrong side Almost took out that family of five Push me, pull me Cut the wheel hard Vision clears, the wind carries the voice from my ears That was too close for comfort Won’t ever fall asleep at the wheel again
  6. Well, as stated elsewhere, I have a few things online at Soundclick. You can bend an ear to them here: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/9/drunkennazimusic.htm Be warned that it's mostly loud, heavy distorted stuff. Nothing even closely resembling a "shanty" there! "Drunken Noodling" and "Fonkee Groove" are fun.
  7. 20 ft. Bayliner cuddy. We could start the "Pirate All-Star Waterskiing Team" with such a craft!
  8. The motor is the only thing on my boat that DOES work! 327 Chevrolet engine.... Hauls arse! I have to rip everything out and replace the deck this year, as it's gone soft. 'tis enough to drive a scallywag to drink!
  9. Well then, Ya might wanna lend an ear to me very own online wankage. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/9/drunkennazimusic.htm
  10. 'ere, wit all that wenchin' going on, when does ya have time to do any plunderin?!
  11. I'm an (almost) cap'n. My vessel won't be sea worthy until next summer, though.
  12. Only if'n they had soap back then. I may be Crusty, but I HATE bein' CRUSTY, if'n ya savvy!
  13. ....not enough swabbies..... I shoulda registered with a name like "Cabin Boy Crusty" or some-such-like. At least then, I'd know me place!
  14. Wouldn't an Oklahoma pirate be a land lubber? ARR! <----(The pirate equivalent of a rimshot)
  15. So, after the lock down on security in airports, and what's allowed as far as cargo, etc. after Sept. 11th, how do those of you who bring weapons to events such as this get them there?
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