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La Ruisenora

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Everything posted by La Ruisenora

  1. I'd like to think I could do it. I'd like to give it a try at least..
  2. Congratulations, lass! It's nice to hear one of our own be recognized! :-D
  3. At the very least, I'll surely see ye at Pyrate Weekend in MD.
  4. Damn!!! That's a half hour from where I used to live!! GRR!!!!! I'm sad I'll miss it. Does the Juryrig do other events? During the school year, I'm in Fredericksburg, VA.
  5. http://www.bestdressedchild.com/boys-pirate-shirt.html <-- too old, but maybe for later. :-P http://shop.store.yahoo.com/brimic3526-sto...atebabybib.html <-- the team, but.. http://www.embellishments.us/webpages/q/ch...ildren/1002.htm
  6. Indeed! Drinks all around!
  7. It be a day late, but I take off me 'at ta 'im. I thought he wasn't really a pyrate?
  8. Oh, good! It's a date, then.
  9. Oh, Bugger. We will, indeed have to aim for the MD one! Are they plannin' another Pyrate Weekend?
  10. *blush* My friends be callin' me Rui, sir. I wish I coulda been there, but I stay with my parents durin' the summer. They reside on the Lake of Smith Mountain near Lychburg/Roanoke. 'Tis a shame it's big but not enough for more than a speedboat. :-\ But me beau promises me a big ship after we retire! I plan to be at the Maryland Renaissance Festival this fall.. I hope ta fin'ly meet some of ye!
  11. Hahaha, nonesense, Stynky! They're wonderful!
  12. Late congratulations, Mate!! :-D A toast, indeed!! To their 'ealth!
  13. Thankee, mate. I'll be gettin' that. An' we needn't worry about the wimmen folks's garb.. I dress like a man...
  14. Me beau and I decided to be pyrates for Hallowe'en. We chose early 17th Century Carribbean and I'm 'avin' a bit a trouble findin' what garb might be appropriate. I'd rather make it but I can't find pictures or nothin'. Any help is might appreciated.
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