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Everything posted by Renwizzard

  1. Just letting everyone know, the Central Florida Pirate Festival is now the Florida Pirate Festival. The same great show! but a much better sounding name. The dates for the 3rd Annual Festival are November 18, 19, and 20th 2005. Much advertising, more props, bigger cast, and some of the best stage entertainment will make this year kick butt. For more info and pictures from last years show visit http://www.PirateFair.com We hope to see all you fellow pirates out at the show! Thanks ElCapitan
  2. Opps, I forgot to put that in http://www.Piratefair.com
  3. This years Central Florida Pirate Festival is November 19, 20, and 21st, Friday and Saturday from 10 am till 10 pm and Sunday from 10 am till 6 pm.
  4. Just go to the website for more info http://www.PirateFair.com Or talk to Brent or Bob 727-524-8050. We'd be happy with all the new blood, I mean people we can get.
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