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Everything posted by Hook

  1. By the gud laird tunderin' jaysus dere boy, yer still kicking around these hyar parts is ye. Grand it is arghhh.. Oh, and ye be having a fine birthing day Dutch, even if yer dear sainted mother musta had a hell of a time with you. 'Shamed ye should be fer puttin the poor woman through it. cya next yar me boys....got some fishing to do.
  2. I'm hook. It's cuz o me nose.
  3. I find rum works bettar. I dinna have ta read more than the label that way.
  4. Ach it be a good thing we've got one for our very own for when there's illegal shipping lanes to be claimed. Good on you. Luck be on us.
  5. Thanks will do. There very much is especially when you put the two together. Top o the day to ye of like mind. That be assured matey and far worse has come my way. I've taken a few night trips for elbowing.
  6. Very nice matey. Fer years I been telling me wife that thar be much satisfaction to be found in the bottle and ships.
  7. I'll raise a drap of screech to the day you started hollering. Don't be looking back while they be coming forwards.
  8. Yer be lookin up me draws thar so ye better be of the feminine persuasion and not after me cheese neither. :P

  9. Why for me it's Captain, my Captain. I'm talking to myself. There's no one else in the room.
  10. Nail the scurvy dog to the yardarm.... Wait, that's what he just did to himself. /out
  11. Back to the Sea goes I

  12. Now yez better be havin' a good shopping outing Iron Bess Happy to yer and yers...
  13. Newfie Barn 'n Bred By Thar Guild Laird Tunderin' Jaisus Dere Baye!

  14. Arghh, it be like lightnin' in here. Whar be me eye shades? Whar be me strides fer that matter. Arghh me head hurtzzz and it nae can be the screech I drank last night. Hmm....
  15. I've been told I'm full of something. Meself wasn't what it was though.
  16. It were a fine time and nowadays much easier than me fadder had. DVD Player fer movies and all the Halibut, Ling Cod, Red Snapper and Rock Fish ye can eat if ye can catch them. I see more an more starving fish on catch Salmon is not an easy catch anymore as the Government are keeping close tabs on catch and rightfully so fer we need them fishies to be abundant. But it were enjoyable to be on the waters again and thanks be to ye fer askin'. :)
  17. Thar ain't nothin' better than a pocket of coin 'ceptin if it be a pocket of someone else's coin I be back and loaded fer some good time to be sure. Off to the pub I go and thanks for the well wishes swan and the good CaptainCiaran. A pint of screech for the pair of ye
  18. Well, me and da mates are bein' off for a moon or so for ta be catchin' fish. It's a way to get on the waves and make loot to boot :) Be seein' ye all in a month if'n the sea lady be gracefully pleasant to us.
  19. Now ain't thet th' truth matey
  20. When ye be bendin' towards that foul wind flyin' in from the East and lovin' ever minute of it When ye be taking fishin' ships out 'ta sea just ta be there instead of on land, then ye knows it's sunk deep inta yer bones by arrghh!!! I've been on many a fishin' trip out here on the coast when thar's nay other way fer this Newfie 'ta get on the wave. When his and her jewels and booty mysteriously become yer ones upon wakin'... H
  21. It be right hard fer some to know the difference between "Arggh" and "Arrr" so I be bent on keeping me tune to the proper station as it were, Arrr! The ship's what matter's though, not the lingo. All my lingo for a day on the Pacific is a fair trade fer sure. H
  22. hmm.... well now lass, that'd be tellin' to be sure and me mudder taught me well (with a large hairbrush to the end 'o me end as it were *s*) not to be talking about such things in public. Seem's to me we would have'ta be in private for me to be telling me tales 'o dread, woe and seduction to yer delicate ears.
  23. Yer favorite saying to a new lass is "avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly"? or "Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm me lass?"
  24. So if the lasses are tomatos, does that make the lads cucumbers? bananas? carrots? Apples methinks. Bright and juicy, shiny and firm with a nice roll to 'em . . . That be me describin' meself And to MercenaryWench....don't be fooling yerself lass, it's the woman as picks the man, not 'tother way 'round. Ye just make it look as we are doing the picking . . . :)
  25. If'n ye remember what it be like to be my years with the blood boiling then ye'd remember all those that were as to "went before" They havn't yet went fer me lass. . . At my tender years :) but I be trying hard rather than hardly trying. Me mudder says I be tryin' indeed! Truth to tell, I'm not any older then you - if anything, I'm younger! I know all about the blood boiling . . . know what ye mean with the trying hard . . . I just get picky Well lass, picky is allright when one has had a taste of what it is to be picky about and knows the best product to be pickin'. Me mudder 'tol me back in the Newfie that picking a wench is like picking a tomato. She said ye don't pick the first tomato up and toss it into the bag fer to be takin' home. Ye might be having a rotten 'un that looks good on the outside. Get my drift lass? So my choice is any lass right now as to the purpose of learning if the insides is a choice tomato as it were arrgghh.. :) And bears repeatin' . . . I be tryin' hard rather than hardly tryin'... Ye be catchin' me drift lass? Not easy, never said me choice was to use, but me choice is to find the good 'un. -Hook
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