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Katherine "Kat" Adams

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About Katherine "Kat" Adams

  • Birthday 01/30/1963

Profile Information

  • Location
    Anywhere the wind blows me ship the "Crosswinds" (in reality landlocked in central Pennsylvania)
  • Interests
    Pirates!!!! (as if that needed said)<br><br>Historical recreation (various time periods, I started many years ago as a Rev. War wench but am interested in many time periods and also fantasy character development)<br><br>Renaissance Faires, designing and creating historical clothing and "costumes" for those don't care about historical accuracy, designing hats, painting, photography, long walks with my most precious four legged "child" and a warm fire in the middle of a snow storm and of course Christopher.<br><br>I'll stop now for ye be bored to death.
  1. Mick sheesh... wish I had read this before I ventured to PARF this past weekend... me captain and I were sitting straight across from ye at Capt. Shuckies during the auction in the afternoon and we crossed paths at least 4 times that I remember that hat during the day. hope ye had a good weekend ... I know it was stellar for me even though it was incredibly hot. (was me captain's first ever weekend at faire... seeing faire through the eyes of a "virgin" was quite refreshing) As for making it to Pirate weekend.... due to circumstances and gas prices (2 hr. trip each way for me... and not working that weekend so no extra money coming in) it looks very doubtful if I will be making it. If I do... I have no pin... it will be Sunday......... red chamise.... black leather corset... black and red skirts... cavalier hat with white ostrich and peacock feathers.... armed to the teeth with a participant pass sticking out of my corset.... auburn hair in a ponytail town to the middle of my back... please stop me and say hi!! Me Captain will most definately no be in tow as he has his wee ones this coming weekend. Hope I can make it..... I'll look for the pins if I do. Kat
  2. I'm working faire again this year but not Pirate weekend!!! woo hoo... I'm looking forward to actually getting to meet some of the "gang" from pyracy as last year I was working the whole season and didn't get to do any wandering around. My boss this year seems so much more interested in her employees than the one I had last year!!! I'm looking forward to working for her. .... and having some free time to wander around too!!!!
  3. I'll be there this year... and not working!!!! Not sure if I'll be there the whole weekend or just Sunday. I'm hoping for the whole weekend!!!
  4. Interesting thread going here. I've enjoyed reading it so I thought I'd add my info to it. How I decided on my name is pretty simple. My name is my great-grandmothers name... Katherine Adams and her nickname was Kat. She was a Cherokee-Blackfoot that married a Scotsman named Robert Adams. (her white name was actually Anna Katherine Knepp... Indian name was White Flower) My "Indian" name is White Feather and I was told as a child that I was very much like her in so many ways that I decided to adopt her name for online and also for my faire persona.
  5. I be planning on being there.... hopefully as a vendor... but if not for at least one weekend... hopefully for all three. Phil.. new venue? I'll have to find that.. it is a shame.. the other was beautiful
  6. NO dragons on me shoulders this year Phil. Looking forward to the faire this season for sure.
  7. I'll be there with bells on (yea right more like daggers) and just running about partying this year, baring the finding of another job at faire or vending at Greater Pittsburg Ren Faire. Home turf!!!! woo hoo.. Can't wait for Faire season to start. Is anyone going to Greater Pittsburg for pirate weekend this season. Will post dates as soon as I have them.
  8. Jill I design and make hats for sale... you almost have to tack the brim up ... steaming and boiling water techniques are great... but first rain and they are down again... my tacked hats have been in many a rain storm and hold up, however the one that was blocked with steam fell quickly once it got wet. I do use steam or boiling water to shape the hats but tack them to keep the shape. best of luck with your hat ... and if ya decide to try another let me know.. I may be able to hook you up with one for a better price than Townsend. The company I deal with is pretty good about single orders and last time I purchased was a bit less expensive than Townsend. The hats are also very good quality. yours aye Kat
  9. LOL well I could make a comment like .. I'm buying and/or they are "on" me.... and yep.. I must have a dirty mind... **"spills" some of her drink on herself just to watch Patrick's reaction**
  10. Charity.. thanks!!! drink up.. I'm buying whatever you are drinking. something to be said for freedom!! you bet!!! and I'm enjoying every moment. and I do agree a nice hug once in awhile is nice... have a great one!!
  11. Captain Annie Welcome to the party.. step up to the bar.. grab a drink.. they are on me yet... I'm buying until the coin runs out. oh.. if that handsome pirate that falls in your lap happens to have a friend with him... shove him this way...LOL have a good one..
  12. Red Handed Jill so that be your alas too.. LOL seems there be alot of us around...LOL All the ale ye be wanting be on me. ohhhhhhhh... rough Monday? hmmm... well right now Mondays are my Fridays so they are a good thing for me. LOL hope it wasn't too bad. Hope the rest of your week has been better. anyway.. drink up.. I'm buying.
  13. Rogue Mermaid Thanks for the welcome!! Drink up.. yep.. you too... I'm buying the next few rounds. it's good to be in such grand company. Kat
  14. so.. is it too late to join this party? If not... I'm buying this round!!! Here's to being single.. and maybe if it be right for ya.. finding the right pirate to snuggle up with. Drink up everyone... I'm celebrating my freedom yet. Kat
  15. Kat walks slowly onto the beach and smiling watches the others for awhile. She considers joining them as she pulls her boots off and enjoys the feel of the sand on her bare feet. Then spying a quiet stretch of beach she heads in that direction, for a few moments of peace and reflection on the past few days. The sounds of the others enjoying themselves drifts to her, she walks into the water, up to her knees and closes her eyes feeling the sand move under her feet she listens to the sounds around her.... a smile crosses her face.
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