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Everything posted by KingsForge

  1. Very poor filming as I was working alone the day I fired this, next time I need to set up a tri pod. This is our .36 caliber model being fired and held it down with a pallet Best way to get in touch with us is at kingsforge@gmail.com. as we check that mail everyday. Thanks mate
  2. Aye... not to be confused with that yearly GAOP gathering Mission likes to attend in Paris. (Gynécologie, Andrologie et Oncologie Psychosomatique) Thank ye much mates
  3. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=520146384691131&set=vb.10150114174505599&type=2&theater Very poor filming as I was working alone the day I fired this, next time I need to set up a tri pod. This is our .36 caliber model being fired and held it down with a pallet
  4. Thank ye much Commodore. Tis true that there are few weapons in todays market that ye mates can find aside from some swords and daggers that are fitting of the period. Even less in muskets
  5. We LOVE our maps, flyers and baldrics mate! Top quality work as always! Cheers to ye Tippin me hat to ye! Will We LOVE our maps, flyers and baldrics mate! Top quality work as always! Cheers to ye Tippin me hat to ye! Will
  6. Avast ye mates we just made our first hand gonne and linstock and are taking orders for these. The hand gonne has a 6" brass barrel drilled 3" deep in .50 caliber and is attached to a 3' 1/2 foot ash shaft making it 4' overall. This is a fully firing model and jus be careful where ye point it mates. Comes complete with Linstock that is 4' overall with pine shaft. We be charging 350.00 a set, no round ball of fuse included. You can email us direct at kingsforge@gmail.com if you would like to get on a list for a set. Be sure to check out all our wares at http://kingsforgeandmuzzleloading.com/page1
  7. Ahoy Captain Thighbiter, I be beggin yer pardon mate but I just be a land locked smithy, what be GAOP? This would fit periods from about the 1750s forward and was wishin I could get back a bit further but alas I know not of a fitting model I could use for that
  8. Ahoy Jas! One will be coming soon for it mate, just have to get with me leather guy. Just finished our first Hand Gonne today too and will be working on a Linstock for that tomorrow
  9. Very sweet swords to mate!
  10. Sad to hear that this goes on with sutlers at all. Time should always be set upon making an order for any custom work and contact should be made when you go past your due date. We all have things that come up from time to time to delay our work but ignoring a customer in this day in age...well I won't go there. I have run late on work myself before and always try to get out a note or make a call to let a person know of a delay, rare to happen but it happens. I hope all your issues are resolved soon mates
  11. Ahoy ye mates! we wanted to share with ye all our first replica Dagger Pistol we just finished recently. She is a fully functioning and shooting pistol that we hand forged this carbon steel blade for. We hopes ye all like it and will be offering these for sale. The pistol is one of the old stock but new Palmettos that we have reworked the trigger mechanism as to hold a flint whist she be on half cock, something the company had never worked out but we fixed.
  12. Sounds good Sebastian and we thank ye kindly mate! All ye mates here will be the first orders to be taken care of. Shoot me an e mail at kingsforge@gmail.com so I can get ahold of you when we have those first ones finished. Cheers
  13. No money up front mate we have never worked that way and don't like the practice meself. We can include a pin of soft enough metal that can be peened over. WIthout a shaft we can save a lot on shipping as the length alone would cost more than most would consider paying and we could never ship a full length pike overseas as our carriers won't take anything that long. We are presently booked with 2 different movie shoots till late September so we are thinking we will be having some ready to ship by early October. Its just myself and a apprentice that make all the hand forged wares you see like this Whydah pike so we can only make so much in a week. Pod here knows us well and has a couple of our boarding axes now, consider him a brother and you will see we have a page of his wares on our website. I don't know how you missed us mate but glad you are seeing our work now. Please feel free to share our link around. Kindest Regards to all ye mates
  14. Sounds good mate! I'll put ya on ta list. Tagged you in a few photos on FB last nite.
  15. I have to add Thank Ye Much for getting the photo to add! I just couldn't figure it out why it wouldn't load
  16. I thank ye kindly mate! Weapons for me mates is our greatest love. I thank ye all for supporting our small business!
  17. I know this be an old posting but there are 2 books called Pirates of Savannah and Pirates of Savannah the hunt for Shamus booty by Tarrin Lupo that came out 1 and 2 years ago. My wife liked the first one and we are going to be getting the second one, both on Amazon
  18. Good day mate, the book is Expedition Whydah by Barry Clifford. We are selling them for 120.00 with no shaft mate. Home depot and Lowes sell the shafts for much cheaper than we can ship them. The eye for the shaft starts out at 1" and tapers down to 1/2. Thank ye kindly for asking mate, I should of posted the price
  19. We are now taking pre orders for our new Whydah Pike heads. Keep in mind mates that we are presently booked with 2 different movie productions until the end of September and are taking names and numbers now. If we can get to ye before hand we will let you know. Can't get the pictures to load here but you can see the finished product on our home page of our website at our link below. Thank ye mates http://kingsforgeandmuzzleloading.com/
  20. Saved in in me favs, cheers mate Thank ye kindly mate! Were always pounding out something new when we don't have custom orders. Making weaponry for our mates has always topped our list. Fair winds be at yer back and clear skies ahead Will
  21. Ahoy Wicked Jim, our website is kingsforgeandmuzzleloading.com Thank ye mate
  22. Most of the swords we make are considerably cheaper Iron Hand. This one we had a lot of time into. Great hero to have mate!
  23. Ahoy Iron Hand, We did do this one for a George Washington exhibit for a commissioned bronze artist that was canceled due to federal cutbacks. We are letting this one go for 750.00....our most expensive sword
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