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Pirate Dumplin

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About Pirate Dumplin

  • Birthday 09/12/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    South Florida and I travel
  • Interests
    stage combat, acting,making people laugh

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  1. no one is too far we have compinsation for all who atend the booty is rather large
  2. I have a bad stomache and i take prilosec the day before and drammamine the day of.plenty of bread stay away from the rum
  3. look foward to meet you guys im in ft lauderdale
  4. arrrrgh couldnt make it last year but ill be at this years festivities singing and rabble rousing
  5. come one come all Nov.13 & 14th t.y. park hollywood florida. I am the entertainment director and you need to come and see a new group called the privyteers 3 beutiful women who look great oh and by the way they can sing too
  6. matie id say its going to be a arrrrrrrrrrghing good time
  7. thanks for the invite unfortunatley fla is too farbecause of work have a drink on me
  8. I am trying to see if there would be any interest in a pirate fest either in miami or the fort lauderdale area.there is from the people in the area but I would like to involve all pirates.
  9. I rate as a homer argh but still no hangover
  10. how about "small heart of the sea"? or The Solution
  11. e-bay and antiques sites and stores are great
  12. A pirate is a feeling an atitude . Bring her to an event and she will become a pirate, have fun thats what i do.
  13. I use two large wooden spoons and thay are sturdy enough to use against a cutlas
  14. I am from South FLorida and have fun being a pirate in the sun
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