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Posts posted by wendy

  1. Blackbeard's thirteenth wife tells her own tale in FIRE ON DARK WATER.

    After a successful US launch (in full pirate gear) the novel is about to set sail for the UK.

    Will be landing THURSDAY JULY 21st - aarrggh!

  2. Capt. Johnson's A General History of Pyrates just showed up from amazon today, the day I found this web site. I will leave it to you salty dogs to argue whether or not Defoe actually wrote it. I tend to side with Cordingly, but I will wait to read it before committing.

    Regardless of whether it was written by Johnson or Defoe this is the most authentic pirate book ever! I love it.

    Authentic in what sense?

    'Authetic', as in, was written by a chronological contemporary of the pirates it describes: certainly, and although there are numerous other books also written at the right time (and in some cases written by people actually involved in piracy as participants or victims), Johnson's is just about the fullest.

    'Authentic', as in, is filled with accurate accounts of the pirates it describes: that's a whole other debate! In a general sense, some chapters are better than others, some are very good, some are most definitely not. For some chapters it seems likely that Johnson was able to interview credible witnesses - particularly the chapters on Davis, Roberts, Anstis, Phillips, and Lowther. For other chapters, such as Bonnet's and possibly Low's, Johnson appears to have bee working mostly from previously published material such as trial reports and newspaper articles. Some chapters - those on Vane, Rackham, Bonny, and Read, for example - he was probably using a mix of common gossip, newspapers, and his own imagination. Some chapters are highly inaccurate (Every's), others are filled with fictional events and people (Misson, Tew). And, of course, the jury's still out on several chapters.

    My definition is that the the author was around at the time, knew some of the characters or spoke to folks who knew the characters, and had some genuine historical / academic interest. As we know from conflicting newspaper reports (even today) eye-witness accounts of the same events often differ (even when there is a lot more actual 'proof' available). As with any human recall "truth" is always subjective. What I love about Johnson / Defoe is that he captures the flavor and atmosphere of the period, relates the tales in the popular imagination, and really transports you back in time.

  3. There once was a pirate called Blackbeard

    Whom everyone thought was quite wierd

    Because his fourteen wives

    Weren't terrified by knives -

    It was his ticklish whiskers they feared!

  4. Legal marriages had to be performed by an ordained member of the clergy or a Justice of the Peace, even at sea. So unless the captain was also a JP he had no power to perform the ceremony.

    Blackbeard, however, was said to have "married" several women aboard his ship - bigamous, illegal, and probably seen as a huge joke on the unfortunate prostitute involved!

  5. If you are into writing, maybe you will like joining one of the two Age of Sail sites in my signature... None accepts a female pirate from the start, but as a second character, or working her way until getting aboard a pirate ship, yes .

    Thanks. I agree - my character finds herself a victim of circumstance. The story is recounted by an English gypsy called Lola Blaise, who knows that Captain Edward Teach is a buccaneer when she marries him but has no idea she is about to become the thirteenth wife of the infamous Blackbeard, nor does she realize the unconscionable deeds she will have to perform to avoid the fate of her tragic predecessors. The action takes place in the Eighteenth Century’s ‘Golden Age of Piracy’. Lola takes us on an epic journey from her early Romany childhood, to loss of innocence in the slums of London, a horrific voyage on a white slave ship, indentured servitude on a Charleston rice plantation, life in a brothel on the ‘Pirate Republic’ of New Providence, and ultimately aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, as she interacts with real characters in factual situations. This is a gritty, violent, realistic portrayal of the lascivious, often manic events, acted out by dangerous drunk individuals with little left to lose. Warning: Not a tale for the faint of heart!

  6. Blackbeard's sword makes a good story - but I agree with you that it is quite unlikely.

    Did anyone see the pirate exhibit in Raleigh where they displayed the silver punch bowl supposedly made from Teach's skull? Not sure I was convinced about that either - but another great yarn!

  7. Capt. Johnson's A General History of Pyrates just showed up from amazon today, the day I found this web site. I will leave it to you salty dogs to argue whether or not Defoe actually wrote it. I tend to side with Cordingly, but I will wait to read it before committing.

    Regardless of whether it was written by Johnson or Defoe this is the most authentic pirate book ever! I love it.

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