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About Grimm

  • Birthday 05/27/1964

Profile Information

  • Location
    Hampton Roads/mostly Portsmouth&Hampton
  • Interests
    Wine,women,song-not in that order!<br>Hmmm-ok,Sailing,snorkeling,Harleys,old diesels(see sailing),Patrick O'Brien,S.M.Stirling,Don Casey,the Pardeys....<br>Shooting,and anything Pirate/age of sail related...RPG's,especially Historical/hysterical.....yeah,too many hobbies for one life!
  1. Silkie- These are the times when words reveal their inadequacy...I see these posts and know there are so many people sending you their love and support.Please know that I am one of them. Condolences and regards- Grimm
  2. I believe that a lot of the Indian guns use "rosewood",which I seem to recall hearing is a Teak.So it would be naturally oily,and a bear to re-finish.Don't know for sure about your pistols,but speaking from experience teak is heavy,oily,and a B@$t@rd to refinish. Looks great done right,though.
  3. Had a great time and finally got to meet a few folks-put faces to names,sorta thing...got in Friday night and spent the weekend wandering about .Saturday was great despite the loss af the camera and my 2nd favorite shirt overboard when the wind hit Sunday morning. I especially wanted to thank those who'ave been so generous with their photos,and for the many tips and advice given so patiently!!
  4. Anyone else got photos from saturday night?? I'm afraid my camera didn't float....(hazards of boat life!!) and I was hoping to use the pix to reinforce my failing memory
  5. We be plannin to be there- takin' a few days off,ya know.
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