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Tiny Williams

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About Tiny Williams

  • Birthday 09/04/1971
  1. extunatin reasonin kept me from fully bein dere last time dere capt'in but I'll be dere dis time I been thinkin dere. be doin da independant thin dere. thougt I had et worked out dere wit Captin Grace dere, guess not eh?
  3. I been readin da credits on da screen dere, bout all da pryate readin I been doin dere lately... unlessen you be counting da ship 'Enterprise' dere... "War Drums" was da last one I read bout dat crew dere... thou I noticed al lot less o' da pryratin in dat one and a lot o' Klingons dere.
  4. Da, best pryiatin weapon I been havin usin dere is a "Bone Dagger" made dere by Master Jeff Lee dere (also been knowen dere as Roach Loaf, effen yous been in da right placen at da right time) it be dere a sythe blade dere a mans arm long, an'na calf's bone for da handle dere, as far as I be knowin dere et bein a one o' a kind weapon dere, an I be da only one knowen dere ow ta be usin it dere!
  5. EH? You been lov'in da cookin I did for ya last nigh dere Captin' I kno dere at' you been kiddin dere wit da ol'e Tiny Williams dere. I eard ya just tellin the Captin' grace dere ow you love bein with da tiny williams dere. An'na effin you be avin your way dere you be wishin for a ship full o' dem dere. Near brought aye tear to dis ole salt's eye dere, You are just goin to have to settle wit dat only tiny Williams you got dere tho Capti'n dere, bein a one o' a kind and all. Besides dere Captin, No one else would dare be wantin your tiny williams.
  6. Eh dere Captin Luigi, da Swiss dere be havin some o' da best booty around. harrhahhrhrhha.... but to be answerin da question at hand dere, dere was bein dere pirates of da Swiss persusaions dere. I'm sure none o' dem were worth a wet bag o' powder tho...
  7. eh dere Captin Luigi, I be rememberin da last time you be doin that dere twister game on da crew dere... been keepin da pasta outta dere when ever I been thinkin yous been lurkin... I been givin dis topic a'lot o' thought dere an da best ting I thought would be helpin da pirate crew dere would have been da battleship dere, baring dat mayhaps some o' dose geneticelly engeinerred sheep dere you be likin so much dere captin'
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