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Captain Rum Lady

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Everything posted by Captain Rum Lady

  1. hey i moved up to a deck swabber!
  2. wow that was rude well ppls thaks for your advise or what ever ok. and yes the assistan principal has every thing to do with my club. its up to her if i can have it! the ranks were for my club, but it has to be a renaissance club cause pirates are negative.
  3. Die! Die stupid school boards! Muhahahhahahhahahahha! :)
  4. hey i don't want to be a bilage rat any more! i want to be captain! how do i change my rank?!
  5. Ok my stupid assistant principal said i couldn't have a pirate club, but if i changed it to a renaissace club then i might be able to have it! so now i need what they ate, like snacks cause i ain't making stew! or meat! How about this we kill the school board! then we party like pirates do!
  6. thanks
  7. I need to know what all of the pirate ranks are for my pirate reenactment club. please if anyone knows them please aim me or e-mail or post here, so yeah!
  8. my fave pirate book is my made up pirate book called the um girls.
  9. I have two. They are... 'The Pirate' and 'Cut Throat Island' 'The Pirate ' is a old movie with Judy Garland in it. 'Cut Throat Island' has Geena Davis in it.
  10. here's one i made up! Rum, rum, rum, I want my rum! If you don't give some thin I'll put you in a kilt and make you dance as an Irish man! Rum, rum, rum. i want my Rum!
  11. if I don't get a Jack then Rumaolt will be giving the store clurks 100 Lashes! Muhahahahhaahhahahahhaa!
  12. hey how did you become a dread pyrate?
  13. oh poo! I wanted to see a pirate show there. I go there every year.
  14. how do i change from a deck swabber to somthing else? Cause i'm a Captian of my my crew!
  15. were are the polls?
  16. I saw your shows and I thought they were cool! :)
  17. who's going to be peforming at the TX Ren Fest?
  18. what is the game exactly? Computer game? Playstaion? Gameboy?
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