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Everything posted by MadMadamMystique

  1. Ahoy Mateys! Hopin to see you at the MD Ren Fair tomorrow! Till then, safe journey.
  2. Ahoy! To all the fine pyrates I met this sat at the MD Ren Fair, thank ye for a grand time! That much fun shouldn't be legal... Not that that would stop us. Arrr! So to all my new friends, here's to you I hope to see you all again real soon. Til that day, may your tankards be full and your journies be safe! A special thanks to IndigoJack and Jim for the invite. Was a grand time!
  3. A fine day. A fine day indeed. Me and IndigoJack was at the Pyrate Festival Sunday. Was a grand time we had. Skies clear of clouds and mugs full of ale! Huzzah! Thank ye IndigoJack! I be lookin’ forward to the Maryland Festival. Arrr!
  4. Arrr! Much obliged Mates. Next round's on me! Drink Up!
  5. Arr! I be needing both mate.
  6. AHOY MATIES! I be needin new weapons. Where be a place to set me deadlights?
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