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Everything posted by Brannigan

  1. Aye, it'll make mighty fine cook wear, govna! Should make it to you by party tyme, with a little ''persuading''
  2. I wasn't tryin to pyrate me a logo, just help out a mate~ since I have an account at cafe press. (non profit) Anyone can set up a ''free shop'' at the cafe, but you can only make one product ~ of each item~ If ye pay the $3.99 a month, you can make unlimited items. :) The pirate skull in the ''silverbones'' logo was drawn by drew hayes licensed through Cosmic Therapy. cosmic therapy me other mates: RK Post Brom Don Maitz
  3. aprons are 14.99 each 0r 9.75 if you buy 15+ Those are the minium prices, most people charge more..... check out the chart below cafe press bulk price chart
  4. I can put that logo on an apron for you. I've gots an account at cafe press dot com. or you can sign up for free. (limited items) It might even be there in tyme for the grand shindig. Cafe Press zakas@aliensurgeon.com
  5. Bully MacGraw Longboat
  6. For a limited tyme , me mateys. Thanks for all pyratin and the like!!!! Silverbones MP3's get all 5 songs: 1.Water Witch 2. Terror of the Sea 3. ROW! 4.Wreckage 5. Washed Ashore
  7. For a limited tyme , me mateys. Thanks for all pyratin and the like!!!! Silverbones Pirate Saga get all 5 songs: 1.Water Witch 2. Terror of the Sea 3. ROW! 4.Wreckage 5. Washed Ashore
  8. A few more good fonts here......... Jester Font Studio
  9. Nice timing on the scene changes.....ye must be a drummer at heart. my hats off to ya!
  10. I used ''Pirates'' ''Return to Treasure Island'' ''Son of the Count of Monte Cristo'' ''Mutiny on the Bounty'' ''Captain Kidd'' I wanted to use POTC and a few others but they had a ''copyright protection'' on the dvd and even a damn VHS tape! I now have a device called ''sima color corrector model SCC-2'' WHICH DISABLES THE COPYRIGHT PROHIBIT. Worked out okay, tho... give it up for the old school classics. me and me brother-in-law wrote the song -Terror of the Sea- Track #2 of 5 in the Silverbones saga. Im goin to make a page and post all 5 songs. mp3 Here's another video using Steve Miller Band and POTC: http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1917 by Captain Charlotte Savvy Posted: Mar 16 2004, 10:05 AM
  11. You cant post a picture from your desktop, that i know of, it has to be uploaded from a website. send me the pic and Ill host it: zakas@aliensurgeon.com
  12. I found it on google image search with ''longboat'' I don't be a knowin them, but its a hell of a picture! http://www.theageofsail.com/photo_var.htm
  13. right click on the picture you want to use go to properties copy the ''address url'' click IMG button (above) paste ''address url'' click IMG button again
  14. Mutiny on the Bounty The Buccaneer Against All Flags The Sea Hawk The Black Swan Blackbeard the Pirate The Crimson Pirate Blackbeard's Ghost The Pirates of Penzance Pirates Reap the Wild Wind (won an Oscar for special effects-1942) blackbeardlives.com
  15. Aye, that be the main dvd I used in me pirate video. Terror of the Sea. I stole it, er.... i mean borrowed indefinitely, on the scoundrelous e-bay $10.00. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T.O.T.S. Pirate Video
  16. I be likin to beat on the drums and bring down the redhand on any yellow belly scab picker who don't be doin his share of the rowin.......
  17. If the fall don't kill ya.......... the download will. T.O.T.S. Pirate Video 06:17 .wmv 9 24 mbs or if ye be the right clickin type go for tha throat: TOTS_512_zakas.wmv
  18. ROW!MP3 Under a black flag we sail Dead men tell no tales Cuz, X marks the spot-Ha! All traitors shall rot Sharin' wenches and gold but the sea owns our souls ROW Lyrics
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