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Rum Annie Flint

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About Rum Annie Flint

  • Birthday 06/26/1964

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sunny Southern California (bout' 25 mi. from the coast)
  • Interests
    My pets, riding my horse, making beer, making soap, shooting, Ren Faire, Pirate's Faire. And first and foremost, making sure my daughter Rebecca knows that no matter how bad things may seem, if you have a positive attitude and a good imagination, things will always be alright!

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  1. Apparently I be drinkin' to much grog when I'm typin'... The address is: 7013 Greenleaf Avenue Whittier, CA 90602 (562)698-9400 (877)4PILLAGE Thank ye all fer the well wishes! A round o' grog fer the lot o' ye! Cap'n Rum Annie Flint
  2. Ahoy Mates! I be openin' a shoppe called "PIRATES N' PLUNDER" on this Saturday, October 23 in Whittier, California. I'll be sellin' pirate things (obviously) and also belly dancing and Wicca/Pagan goods. Email me if yer interested in coming by to share in me pillaged good! Rum Annie Flint Cap'n o' the sloop MISS FORTUNE and Proprietor o' PIRATES N' PLUNDER, INC. 1-877-4PILLAGE
  3. Ahoy me hearties! The Southern California Rennaisance Faire will be commencin' every weekend from 4/17/04 to 5/31/04. Sum o' me closest wenches an I will be attendin' on Saturday, May 8. If any o ye be goin' to the Faire an want to hook up an say "Arrrr", email me an let me know!
  4. I be from Whittier, California.... 25 miles from the Pacific Coast...
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