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About Salmagundi

  • Birthday 03/29/1963

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  • Location
    Santa Cruz Area, CA
  1. From Maker Faire a couple of weeks ago: There was a better pic of Patrick Hand online somewhere, but now I can't find it. I'll keep huntin'.
  2. Looks like Eric, the Jack often seen outside Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. One of the better Jacks out there, IMHO. I believe he said he based his Jack off of studies of Johnny and Ace. I'll be there (Pirates O' Harbor Bay) from Friday night 'til sometime Monday, so plenty o' time for everyone to stop by, hang out an' have some rum with us. Be sure to catch our stage shows, too. Th' damn Monkey will even be there.
  3. Ahoy Jill, Jas. Townsend sells one like Callenish Gunner posted. I've seen these at Cost Plus and Sporting Goods stores: If you're not looking anything fancy, just something to cook on with wood/charcoal, you could try the good ol' Hibachi!
  4. I've just seen pics from this faire at: http://www.renaissancefaire.us Looks like the Pirates of Treasure Cove were well represented! Here's to ya all, me buckos!
  5. I'd like ta throw in me thanks fer th' gloves also! They'll be just th' thing fer Kearny Park ta keep th' ol' light figers nimble (iffen ya know wot I means) And I'll be usin' 'em at Dicken's fer certains. It were good ta see you 'n' Rummy up here in th' North lands. I'm glad ya had a good time!
  6. Ahoy! Here be a bit o' news about th' store: Inside Bay Area I hope ye's can join us. We'll be invadin' the shop both Saturday & Sunday!
  7. Or make Rice Krispy treats out o' it, eh, Ace?
  8. I guess none o' us have gotten 'round to posting this link yet, but here's a goodly number o' our scurvy crewe in all their glory. Tales of the Seven Seas Trading Cards --Mr. Salmagundi Le Pacte De Lyon
  9. Check your local area for Chinese New Year's celebrations, Vietnamese Tet Festivals or Cherry Blossom Festivals. Those are a few of the Asian Faires in the SF Bay Area. There're more, but I can't think of the names offhand. --Rich
  10. Ahoy Pat, me scurvy crewmate! Kinda pricey, but Gator Hides are available. Also, Texas Knifemaker's has some Russell blades that aren't too expensive and are close to butcher knife style. --Mr. Salmagundi
  11. I just got me work schedule for next month . . . looks like I'll be there on th' 18th as well. Lookin' forward to it! --Rich
  12. Best o' luck to ya mate! Will Ted be hawkin' th' book at th' Oni booth or is someone else publishin' it? I'll be sure to keep me eyes peeled fer it. --Rich
  13. Aye, Ready fer a fair wind an' whatever lies o'er th' next horizon! --Rich
  14. Happy Birthd'y, Stitch! Fair 'n' followin' winds to ye! --Rich
  15. I'm arriving by land on the 17th, so let me know when and where we're docking, and I'll be there to help out. --Rich
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