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Everything posted by jaded

  1. Cutter and I there fer sure..... same tent as always. May change crew name by then though. :-)
  2. You can count on Cutter and I being there!!!! Wouldn't miss it fer the world........ Same tent as this year with fly......
  3. Aye - finally a break in real live to get here to look about. Registered of course be Commodore Cutter & Jaded Jetty with a tent & fly - Also, registered are - Joseph Blais, Stephanie, Jake, Amy, & Dustin me be thinking that is it. And yes, Commordoe Swab, Sasanee, Lady Chaos & Nita Treasure will also be all under Cutter's Crew this year I believe. "PIRATES" as you can see some still need Pirate names above or I just don't know em fer it just cept right out of me brain......... Can't wait to see all me Mates - Working on a few new things hoping to be all finished by then -- Oh....... the Pressure --- I Luvs it............ In case real life Sucks me up fer awhile again - till me be putting me eyes upon ye may ye be Safe and Full Winds in ye Sails........... OH AND LET'S NOT FORGET ABOUT ALL THE HUGS YE GET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the one the inquired what ye might could expect.
  4. Just wanted to say a Hearty 'Ello to all me Mates!!! Hoping all is doing well.

  5. More - More - More ------ Butch & Cutter would like to Thank all of you for letting us play in your backyard again. Butch Loves to play with BIG sticks... :-) Hope all made it home safely. Luv you all BIG!!!!
  6. HELP ---- Looking for a start to make me a red coat that fits for this year - HELP!!!!!!!

  7. Huzzah DB awesome photos - Aye looking forward to seeing the rest......
  8. Looking for Rabbit fur - any one know where I can find that?
  9. Happy Birthday Luv - We missed you along with many others this year..... :-( Hope your birthday is a Grand one. Huzzah to you be safe.
  10. So Sorry to hear about Poppa - the two of ye's will be in me prayers. Here's to a speedy recovery - & look forward to seeing you's next year if not be able to get a glimpse of ye this........ A big HUZZA to Jai & Lilly and me be offering me hand if it be needed - ye both know how to get a hold of me. Can't wait to see all - Love to all me Mateys!!!!!
  11. Oh yea, happy belated birthday! :-)
  12. I be even later sorry i missed it. Glad to hear ye found treasure!! LOL
  13. Thanks to u it was fun Charty i still have something else that i want u to have. I will get it out sooner than later. :-)
  14. For you Crispy - finally figured out how to put this here. From Patty.
  15. Cool I got candy, green (which is my color ) soap & a period correct deck of playing cards. :-) it is all awesome Thanks secret Santa .. Me hopes u have a Wonderful New Year!!!!!!
  16. Aye - a BIG HUZZAH to those u made it all happen!!!
  17. Why me Thanks thee me Luv will let u know it's arrival. Excited!!!!!!!!!
  18. That's ok u don't have to do, that.
  19. No still nothing
  20. We should do that @ FTPF drink maker contest ..
  21. Did someone say Apple Pie??????? Oh my!!!!! :-) Yes, apple pie ........ visions b goin through me head .....
  22. That's my weskirt..... yes it's too big i saw green after too much rum - giggling in the corner ... now if anyone wants to trade?????????
  23. Still nothing
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