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Everything posted by Beowoulf

  1. Oh my Good Lord... What are we to make of this? There must be so much pain and suffering in your family at this time. For whatever good it does, my heart is with you.
  2. Good God.... as if there wasn't ENOUGH stress in my life to make me want to jump off a bridge!!!! lololol
  3. I see you blokes have sailed tthe Seven Seas! I can tell I am going to like this place! What a treasure chest of resources! My bank account is quivvering! God, I am tempted to make a last minute dash to PiP.... Has anyone put together a checklist of all the usefull things they've learned not to forget before they leave? ("Oh ya! I wish I had thought to bring....." or "thought to arrange for...")
  4. Hey pirates, 55 year old male and just recently stumbled onto the exciting world of nut cases who "do pirates." To think I have been unaware that there really WAS a place for me all these years! And to have come to it so late in life! I'm originally from Maine but have been marooned in Montreal, Quebec for 7 years. Not only are there no pirates in Montreal, they dont even speak English!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anwyay, I am in the process of spending a small fortune putting together a pirate look that befits a giant like myself: 6'3", 270 lbs, 52" chest, 40" waist, size EIGHT hat .... (Try and find a size eight hat!!! But! I do have Capt. Jack custom making me one now... Good ol' Jackie....) I am will to spend $$$ to go to pirate gatherings. Looks like there is a good one in Eastport, Maine each year. Tybee looks great too. Key West? Key Largo? (ANYTHING to get out of Quebec!!!!) I am imagining, however, going to these pirate gatherings alone and basically remamining that way for the duration. I'm guessing that you all have pirate friends going back for years .. one's who have seen you with more than a few tankards o' rhum in yer gullet. (BTW, it only takes me one drink to get drunk. I just can't remember if it is the 13th or 14th.) I want pirate friends, I want pirate clothes, I want to do pirate things, and I want to go to pirate places. Pls feel free to contact me with any and all advice and offers! :) BIG JOHN
  5. OMFG, that was GREAT!!!
  6. A native Portland pirate here, presently marooned in Montreal, Quebec (where NO ONE speaks pirate!!! Dang! They don't even speak ENGLISH!!!!). Am new (VERY new) to the pirate scene and in serious need of pirate friends and pirate places to go (preferable with LOTS & LOTS of RUM!). Am in the process of assembling my pirate's chest. To be honest, finding it all a bit overwhelming. (I HATE being a newbie!) I have been thinking that Portland would be a fantastic place for a pirate festival, what with it being a seacost town, having the Old Port district and its pro hockey team called the Portland Pirates! Guess no money monger has thought of it yet. Maybe a letter to the General Manager of the Portland Pirates? Need a pirate name too. Was just gonna copy one, but I figure I deserve one of my own. I've been called BIG JOHN my whole life long (6'2" tall, 270 lbs, 54" chest, 40" waist, size EIGHT hat!!! -- try and find a size 8 hat! I have to have all mine custom made! Got Capt. Jack working on one now!) Anyway, I figure the name Big John oughta figure in there somehow... Thanks for reading! Feel free to contact me! BIG JOHN :)
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