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Everything posted by Beowoulf

  1. Might ye tell me what width of leather the buckle might support, Missy?
  2. Not sure what twaddle is, but.... as always, Wikipedia has interesting stuff to say: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code
  3. ...to post some face pics of me so you might recognize me at PiP. Here's a couple, complete with my grown-just-forPiP beard: Cant resist this one:
  4. Double post .. don't know how to delete
  5. Dimensions: The belt in the 1st pic is just a HINT short of 2.5 inches wide. Given the play of the belt on the buckle, 2.5" should work fine. Now ... length .... I wear a size forty belt. The leather on THIS one is presently 60" long. The belt will be going over a shirt, leather jerkin, and 2 sashes, so can we be prepared with a belt blank longer than 60"? Dark leather would be nice. Belt #2 (the light colored one) is 2.5 inches wide and 54" long. THIS belt will be going over a shirt, leather jerkin, 2 sashed AND will cross(diagonnaly) Belt #1 above. The light color of THIS belt is the same color as the second belt Jack Sparrow wore. Also, you will note that the buckle is much wider than the belt. This buckle could easily hold a 3.25 inch wide belt. But, if you check out pics of Sparrow, sure enough, his belt is way undersized for this buckle. I wonder why? Anyway, I think this lighter colored belt will need to be longer. As for the color .. maybe I should stay with "light" for variety? Also, I can't decide if I should get a belt width that will fill the whole buckle, or stay with the "Jack Sparrow" 2.5". I am SO bad with these decisions! (I am open to suggestions from you and the group!) Now, the baldric: 2 3/16" wide. I am 6'2" and have a long torso (take a "long" in a sport coat). I also "tend toward the gut" (as John Wayne said to one of the kids in The Cowboys). As I said above, this is the least offensive of the leathers. Not sure what all of this could end up costing, but if I HAD to, I could live with the baldric.
  6. Pics ... God willing
  7. Hey there Mr. Hawkyns! I bought a couple of belts and a baldric off of Ebay cuz they had exact replica POTC buckles. Paid me a small fortune, I did. They arrived and I was MORTIFIED! Buckles were supposedly brass, but man ... brass ain't like it USED to be! Had I just bought the buckles, the price would not have been bad at all, but I thought, "Oh, what the heck! Go for broke! Get the leathers too!" Like I said, COST A FORTUNE. Now ... the point .. the leathers would have been laughable had I not paid so much for them. (In fact, my friend got a GOOD laugh, when he heard what I paid!) In the letter back to the seller (where I tore him a new you-know-what), I told him that his Hong Kong craftsmen needed to take a trip to TEXAS to see what real leather looked like!!!! The baldric is probably the least offensive, but I expect the belts to just tear off of me during PiP. Perhaps you could help me rectify the leather situation? (lol just what I need! Let's add even MORE money on to these items!) Guess I should send you the dimensions, huh?
  8. I be late. Happy belated Birthday!!!
  9. http://www.eastportpiratefestival.com/
  10. Gee.... It got really quiet in here.....
  11. so .. uhm... do any from this board go? <evil grin>
  12. re: the clothing optional bar .. I suppose the town fathers have passed a law that prohibits gross old men from taking off their clothes in such places?
  13. http://best.king5.com/winners/best-of-western-washington/4779/fashion/designer-jewelry?place=5
  14. About how many ppl go to this festival? # of pyrates? # of spectators? Is the Garden of Eden a tavern? Oh yes .. and WHAT is hanging from the bushes???? I am SO excited about this! I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!
  15. I've been too quiet! Time for more questions! I have three: 1) What do you drink all day? I can't imagine the PC's go around with Diet Pepsi cans in their hands! lolol 2) What about cameras? "I say, there, Mr. Thatcher, is that a 5x optical zoom or a 10x?" In my family *I* am the pic taker - which is why I am not IN any of them! Hate the thought of this tough looking, murderous pirate going around taking pictures all day... 3) I wish I could remember question 3, as it was quite important! John
  16. Well! Looks like it is on! Gonna arrive in KW on Tuesday just after one. Shuttle to the Pegasus hotel. Hope to be bunking with Gunner on Thursday night. I THINK William invited me to hang with the Mercury crewe. Is Gunner part of that crewe? Anyway, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
  17. TARNATION, YE PYRATES!!! Ya has me head spinnin'! Can I presume upon your better judgment? I want cheap, close, and comfortable. A 3/4 mile walk is nothing (unless your feet are bleeding!) I would also like to be where pyrates be staying! I know it is all a trade off and we can't have it all. So! Let me simplify .. I just wanna have FUN FUN FUN!!!! What day should I come down (from Montreal)? I WAS going to come on Wednesday, cuz that's when Jim Wakefield said he was coming. But then Tuesday started to look good. Now Monday is starting to glisten.... Would probably fly in in mid to late afternoon. A ride to where ever this all is would be great! A thing that bothers me is that I could walk right past most of you I am communicating with right now, and I wouldn't know it is you .. and thereby miss an opportunity for an adventure! I guess name tags are right out, huh? lolol I believe I am staying in the Fort Thursday thru Sunday .. tho my body may use its veto power on that idea after a night or two on the ground. I just want to hang with you guys, drink, party, make a fool of myself (ok, a fool in moderation) and learn a lot of new stuff. SOMEONE JUST TAKE ME BY THE HAND AND SAY, "JOHN, YOU WHINING LITTLE BABY, YOU'RE GONNA DO THIS, THIS, AND THIS!! CASE CLOSED!!" (And that way, if I don't have all the fun I am expecting, I won't have to blame myself .... leaving ... let's see ... who to blame? LOL) This is just so hard walking into this thing blind!
  18. Code? Hmmmm ... I think I missed something! What code?
  19. I should be getting there around 3 on Tuesday (airport) .... Just called the Doubletree hotel ... $149 per night and 3.5 miles from downtown ... kinda far
  20. Good Lord ... the more I look through this site, the more threads I find branching one off of another - all on important and/or interesting topics. In the view of speed and necessity (the time of PiP grows CLOSE!), I need some advice, guidance, secret info, etc. etc. I will be flying down from Montreal, probably getting there on Tuesday afternoon. I think i have place to lay my head once Fort Taylor begins, but that leaves Tuesday and Wednesday evening. I figure the Admiral Benbow Inn will be full so can someone recommend something? (I'd like to be close to the action, of course .... close enough to "stumble" home Tuesday and Wednesday nights.) Any help will be SO appreciated!
  21. Just stumbled on to this thread. OMG are these buckles ever nice!!! Where is the BUY NOW button?? (and the leather on that baldric a couple posts up is incredible as well!!!)
  22. I am pee'ing my pants I am so nervous! I need someone to tell me, "There, there, John. It's going to be alright." I don't have ONE friend who would understand if I told them that I was flying to Florida to go "be a pirate" for a few days. NOT ONE!! Does anyone have a partner who is not interested in pirates but the pirate feels too guilty to leave them at home while he/she traipses off to Key West to play? If so, what does the non-pirate do while there?
  23. It's still November 1st. Can I register for the Fort?
  24. Does chat work? I keep getting this: [#CSTART-4] The room ID supplied was invalid. Please notify the administrator.
  25. Thanks, all, for the warm welcome! I have been perusing the pages and see that you are far from an exclusive, snooty group. A few questions (which, if I spent days and days sifting, I could probably find the answers to somewhere in these pages). 1) I've been looking at all the PC stuff. Heck! I just want to dress like a pirate and stay drunk for 10 days! (Ok... maybe I could have done that 30 years ago, but you get my drift, I think!) You all sound like you are SO industrious! What is a worthless rogue like me to do at, say, PiP? (I'm VERY good at giving advice!) 2) Looks like you bring a ****load of stuff along with you to gatherings (like PiP, which I have my eye on!). How do you transport all that stuff from home??? Do many of you come by plane? People talk of tents, cots, etc., etc., etc. I'd need to charter my own plane for all that stuff! I'm having trouble just imagining transporting the clothes by plane! (Hat?? Boots?? Cutlass?? Keep in mind that I am a huge man and my clothes are probably twice as big as some of you wee ones.....) Also, it must be hot there and people must sweat alot .... a different shirt for every day? 3) PiP .... Commercial lodgings? Beach? Fort? I HATE not being clean. Where do you wash? Shampoo? Brush your teeth? Comb your hair? Take care of "elimination needs"? I can guess that once the sun goes down, things really get fun. Like most places, the best stories probably come from the 11 PM to 3 AM time period! lol! Gee, I wonder why.... Seems like the on site ppl would be privy to all the late nite shenanigans. 4) I see no evidence of ppl "bunking together" (except for everyone who was inviting the red haired grad student to share their hammock in 2008!). Maybe sharing hotel rooms are arranged privately between ppl who have already met and assured themselves that the other is not Charles Manson's brother. 5) While I wouldn't be showing up in a costume-store getup bought at say, Rubie's, I would probably be more flamboyantly dressed than most of the PC stuff I have seen. (No offense, but in the pics I have seen, PC clothes look kinda drab!) I get the impression, though, that this place/group would even welcome the Key West Gay Men's Cross-Dressing Pirate's Chorus. (Ok, maybe not the pirates from the blue states.....) I just hate the thought of spending all that money on the first year's trip to mainly discover what I SHOULD have done to have the best time! 6) Does it matter much when in the 10 days you show up? When does the "best" stuff happen? When is it most fun? Would going for December 3, 4, 5 be too short? (On second thought, if I am going to fly all that way - from Montreal - I should probably stay as long as possible, no?) Leaving the day after American Thanksgiving is not very likely ... gotta spend some time with the extended family in Maine. Presuming upon your patience, John
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