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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. You need to supersize that baby!!! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...sportes_001.jpg Gaiters.
  2. Spritsail topmasts rock! Do you have The Rigging of Ships: in the Days of the Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720 by any chance?
  3. Oh no, you guys aren't addicted too? I swear I check for updates everyday! (I know John is rolling his eyes going..."Why am I not surprised") Naaa... not rolling my eyes, more of a wink of conspiratorial geekiness.
  4. Please do. I haven't paid much attention to Williamsburg ever since I stopped doing RevWar. I do remember they had a very nice bookstore there at the main hq. But I had a lot of fun back in that town, back in the day. Someone should convince them to do a 1720s themed weekend.
  5. That's wonderful!!! Great job!!! Truly marvelous!!!
  6. Thanks! Mine finally arrived today. I was a little worried, but dang... this thing is printed on some really nice paper. I'm actually quite impressed by the quality. Print on demand... the 21st century is pretty cool!
  7. It certainly plays to my geekside. It's just so D&D nerdy... half of the stuff strikes really way too close to home.
  8. Ahoy! Under the theory one can never have too many pirate calendars, I figured I'd create a Pirate Brethren 2008 calendar using Cafepress. If you want to purchase one, or just see the results, visit Blackjohn's Swag Shop at: http://www.cafepress.com/blackjohnsswag
  9. You want charts, just name 'em and send me an address. Or name 'em and I'll bring 'em to Hampton. bbcddutchman wrote: Sure thing. My pleasure. Always glad to share 'em when I can.
  10. From what I recall, you blow a glass case bottle by blowing it into a pre-formed mold.
  11. Well... IF you are there and IF I am there I WILL bring you a big stack of nautical charts, hot off our presses. And some coast pilots for the East Coast too, if you like. I'm always happy to help out a sailor in need of charts.
  12. Sure thing Greg, my pleasure. Some more. Ceramic containers 31 complete or mostly complete vessels found mostly in the cargo holds. Most were coarse earthenware not highly fired, of a type produced in Saintonge, 70 miles inland from La Rochelle. Twelve were stoneware. Others were faience. Glass bottles Fifteen were found. Most were case bottles, though onion bottles were also found. The part I find most interesting is that several pewter screw tops were found, some still attached to the tops of bottles. The threaded caps could be tightened just like a modern screw cap. Archaeology... it's so cool!
  13. I seem to recall my crew and I having been there... Once (that's the very first one, don't ya know) or Twice I'll hit you with an email... and... before I do that, I'll see if my crew is even interested. There are, as usual, a ton of events all trying to fit themselves in to that middle of May and through to June timeslot. It may very well be that the crew would want to do something else. Yrs&c, Blackjohn
  14. So those are the confirmed dates? If so... bbcddutchman, do you need more pirates?
  15. A quick run down of casks and crates found on La Belle. 88 barrels, mostly white oak staves, some beech and some willow split willow and chestnut was used for the withies on all but the largest casks 10 wooded boxes, probably pine 2 contained trade goods 1 carpentry tools & other items 4 muskets and swords 1 undetermined 1 found outside hull, based on style probably held personal items 1 kettles, pewter plates, candlestick holders, a ladle The crate holding trade beads was constructed of sawn white pine boards, 28" long, 11 inches wide and 11 inches deep. Also worth noting, 74 brass tacks were found. They were found aft, and could possibly have decorated a leather covered chest that rotted away over time.
  16. I'm curious, are those faux clocks, and just on the outside ankle? Or are they the real mccoys and/or clocked on both sides?
  17. Which is why I like Ivor Noel Hume's book... he has some good diagrams showing how the shapes of things changed over time.
  18. (Picking up dead thread) New quote. An easy one. "What we got here is... failure to communicate."
  19. I'll raise a glass to your new name! Here's to Master Sully!
  20. I'll sign on, but I'm NOT going to tie my New Year's Resolution to posting here/doing exercise. Some things look good on paper, but in hindsight are just plain bad ideas. And I'm not going to make it a resolution. Just an attempt to eat better, exercise more often. Actually, just the exercise part is what I need to do most. My usual fare isn't all that unhealthy. Practically every day last year I ate a bowl of whole grain cereal for breakfast. And most of my day time snackage was an apple or banana.
  21. Here's a link to the part of the report re: cacao beans &c. Linky
  22. I know boxes were used for transport. One interesting archaeological find was a shipping crate full of cacao beans... and pistols. The question became one of where the pistols being smuggles in with the cacao beans, or where they being transported with them as a sort of packing peanut. Most seem to favor the packing peanut hypothesis, pointing to the fact that containers often were packed in such a manner. Also, either in this forum of the Pirate Brethren forum or both, I'm sure I've brought up the crate full of muskets found on La Belle. Actually, the book on La Belle has a pretty good map showing locations of boxes and barrels, with a general guide to what was contained in each. It has been a while since I looked at it, but I do remember it standing out in my mind as a pretty cool example of what was found on a transport, even a specialized transport such as La Belle.
  23. You might find Ivor Noel Hume's book A Guide to the Artifacts of Colonial America worth purchasing. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0812217713
  24. I seem to recall we had a similar thread once... or maybe it was about seachests... I dunno... but either way, this Backhuysen probably gives you a good idea of the bags, chests, etc.
  25. I haven't read it myself, but I'm familiar with it because my favorite game company is working on the rpg version. http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/girlgenius/ Once done with your RV, you'll need to upgrade your pc!!!
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