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Everything posted by CajunBuccaneer

  1. Thanks for the recipe. Everyone loves it, I must have given out the recipe more than a dozen times. I am having to make a second batch for this weekend!!!
  2. CONTRABAND DAYS FESTIVALGate Charge: $10.00 orGate Pass (for entire festival): $25.00~~~Contraband Days is running a gate fee special: ***$5.00 BEFORE 5pm!***...Students through High School $5.00PreSchool Children - FreeThursday Family Night - Jars of ClayFriday Night - Tracy LawrenceSaturday Night - G.G. Shin, T. K. Hulin, Jivin Gene, Charlene Howard and Jamie Bergeron!!!

  3. Contraband Days FestivalContraband Days Gate Special Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday $5 before 5PM. Come in the gate before 5PM and the gate fee is only $5 and FREE Parking! Come out and enjoy!

  4. Trying this out today, making for our Contraband Days Pirate Festival. I will post comments.
  5. I really like the French one but I measured my baldric and it is 2 1/8" wide so I don't thing it would fit.
  6. Do you still have the French and English ones?
  7. I just entered the zaggdaily iPad-a-day Giveaway. Each day is a new chance to win, so I'll enter tomorrow too! http://zagg.to/lLSuST

  8. The US supreme court has ruled that you have the right under the first amendment to protest military funerals. I invite you to start your protest in my front yard and we can see if your first amendment is better than my second amendment.

    1. wes1761


      I have seen a bumper sticker I really like, It says " If you dont stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them"

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