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Posts posted by Lorelei

  1. El - Thanks to you fer takin' the time to look. Aye, tis a purty face, that... and the girl's not bad either. ~.O

    Well Red, I believe this here relationship was a give and take kind of deal. ~.O Tis true this painting is bringin' out the priate in me....I might need a bite afor I can continue. Arrrrr....

    Nah, I only be messin' with ya. You know I cannot resist the call of the brush. Will paint more when me sewing servitude is done and my hands have regained feeling after ridin' me motorcycle in the freezing cold. ~.O

    Now that's commitment..

  2. So I'm not too sure what topic this bit o' business fits into, but they are pirates, to be sure, so I'll put em 'ere, and if they're out of place, perhaps thems what's in charge can lead 'em to where they need be.

    I usually lurk about these waters, but thought it high time a threw my hat into the ring.

    'Tis a gift for the luscious Red Bess. A strong pirate lass and her new employee. ~.O Hope you enjoy. We aim to please. ~.O

    It's to be called "La Reddition du Poisson Volant", which by my limited french, means "The Surrender of the Flying Fish". 'Tis watercolour... imagine that. Argh!

    A little update on the painting fer thems who's inerested. And yet another....


    Fer any more details, you'll need to be finding Red Bess. I just gives 'em faces.




    True, does it say I'm a bilge rat.....

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