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About ravanos

  • Birthday 02/15/1963

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  • Location
    winter park fla
  • Interests
    charecter work-pirates,super heroes,monsters,what not!!! aslo play guitar,bass,drums,wash board,jug,whatever is not tied down
  1. well,..what amajor dissapontment that was.we got there sat.about 5pm(it was 2 start at3pm)walkin the downdown st where it was to be-nothing!?!?..a few pirate flags hung from a couple bars..so we sauntered on in to one&nothin!!few people doin the standard aaarrhh thing.so i asked where,what how?&was told this was it..so aside from myself&pyretta blaze& one other at the end of the bar dressed-tha WAS it!! i asked what happened to the costume contest,plank walk&other things they had planed-"not enough people showed up for it"..to me if ur going to have a pirate fest or any fest for that matter, proper advertising(one wee ad 3 days b4 the event is what they had)&maybe some signs,,radio spots,lettin news stations in on it maybe?for a city run event they deserve ta walk the plank!!! the only saving grace that day was the science center in orlando havin pirate week..had a total blast there with all me new pirate friends..much thanks
  2. thank you one &all for havin me there!!!!luv workin with wee ones&all crews that were on hand-u all are incredible people..much pirate luv to u all!!!!! that lady in charge at the science center it was one of the best turn outs they've ever had(we rawk,we rawk,we rawk!!!)cant wait for the next event!!!!!!!!!
  4. iye my good captain,i will be there lend a hand to help make the show run as smooth as ye ship!!..gonna send ya a pm &the pleasure wilst be all mine!can't wait to meets one&all
  5. its posted in the orlando weekly-big add in the mag,it runs fri,sat,sun till late each night.im gonna stop by the science center durin the day(if they can us me WAY COOL, if not still be a kick in the trousers..then head to sanford 4 the evening festivities..a whole bunch of piratein to be had that weekend!!!
  6. me heartys,the city of sanford fl.is havin their pirates festival sept.17,18,19th,&i be wonderin if any of ye might be attendin this swaria'??..not sure if i be havin this posted in the proper place or not..if any one would like to meet up for this,lets me know please
  7. iye mate that i would b interested in ye coat 407 492 2150

  8. Aye Ravanos ,welcome abord the pub, i see you may be in the market for a new coat if'n you havent yet put down any coin on one i've got one of Yourdreams coats i don't use and another one i'm not using either ,i've gotten into making more historical clothing,if your interested i'm at the orlando science center sept 18 i can bring them for a try if you like. i'm over ...

  9. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wish i coud have been there!!!!!!!!!!
  11. ...."IYE",what say u all?......ote name='captscurvy_nc' timestamp='1283387470' post='389268'] Welcome and don't worry, not wanting to grow up is almost a requirement around here...
  12. again much thanks to all!! &if i can be of any service to one&all,i am at ur disposal...as flounder said in animal house-"OH BOY IS THIS GONNA BE GREAT"!!!!
  13. thank u all,now where begins the plunderin???hurricane-i'de luv to be part of that at the science center!!! just lets mee know when&where&what time&who ya wants me ta be.................just had a perplexing thought,..what if the hokey pokey REALLY is what its allabout!!!??!!..mmmmmm?
  14. for the landlubers...THEY RAWK!!!!!
  15. gertie&zingara..i bow b4 thee with much thanks&smiling heart,hurricane again the same thanks to ye as well!!! hope to honor all&stick to the code...long live pyracy!!!!!
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