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Hunting Hawk

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About Hunting Hawk

  • Birthday 07/30/1954

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  • Location
    Washington state
  1. $8,800 Oh, come now mates. It be a pirate chest, I think you could think of a more traditional method of aquisition than "paying" for it.
  2. I thought I took this quiz before but I don't see me name nowhere. It says I be Jack Sparrow but I thought I walked a little straighter than that.
  3. Rrrr rrrr rrr rr rrrrrrr rr Arrrgghh?
  4. I prefere cutlass but, I am getting older and the lighter blade of a rapier is looking more tempting each day.
  5. Aye, mate. I'll answere yer question if ye be buyin' the rum.
  6. Tis a beauty lass, I almost baught one like that meself. But, skinflint that I am I got me a cheaper one.
  7. I think if they sue him, the judge should let us decide on the punishment. Ther aint nothin better then pirate justice. Arrrgggghhhh! I did notice the boarding cutlass 'prop' he be sellin' is the same one I bought from an honest dealer, thirty dollars cheaper than what he has it for.
  8. Aye! Then his next sale on ebay can be a ziploc bag of crap that Disney scared outa him.
  9. As long as he be pourin' the rum, I calls 'im friend.
  10. Have a 'appy one RumbaRue. I'm buyin the next round an 'ere's to celebratin' all week long.
  11. Not bad at all Lady B. I'll have to check this one out.
  12. Thak ye mates. Looks like I'm a day late for me own party. I hope there be rum left.
  13. Arrrrgggghhhh, Maties I be finally back in this loverly port. After them scurvy dogs (my ISP) marooned me on a bloody wee island. I finally found me way back to sea. Drinks all 'round maties, let the celebratin' begin.
  14. Aye Morgan, happy birthday. I'll buy ye a round. Drink up till ye can't stand up.
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