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About onus-one-eye

  • Birthday 08/13/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Louis Missouri
  • Interests
    There are plenty photography, carpentry, fishing, hunting, books, movies, and of course my wife and kids.
  1. Well shot. we all had a great time. Nathanael has been running around yelling ARRRRR all day. And thanks to Captn Jack I have a lovely new sea service pistol.
  2. Thank you and God bless.
  3. Sorry it took me so long to reply Carl, we had a fire at the house while on vacation. White cotton frogs sound great. I'd also like to know if you would happen to have a shirt i could borrow for fort. It seems the cleanup crew bagged mine up before I got to it.
  4. Ihave my trruck available for hauling.
  5. That would be greatly appreciated. I went to a local antique mall and the only sword / dagger from the area had a 900$ price tag, it did however look worth it.
  6. Thanks, i owe it all to Lady Constance and my wife, I am hoping I can find a dagger at fort De Chartre. I am probablu going to go with frog closures on the front.
  7. Cont me in ...... plus 3 .
  8. Here's what we have so far. It needs some finishing touches but its looking great. One where you can see the salwars.
  9. Thanks, the hole where your foot goes through is tight. what im looking for is a way to control the legs and crotch wich balloons out.. The waist uses a drawstring and the foot hole uses a button or drawstring.
  10. Lady Constance and I have been tossing around the idea of making me a "Non european" outfit. So we did some research and decided to take some ideas from the Ottoman Empire. Last night we made a pair of Salwars. Now here comes the kicker, they are HUGE. When I say huge I mean i could house a family of 4 in them. I was wondering if anyone knows if they tucked the extra in or rolled them in the waist, otherwise im going to be tripping on my pants. I will try and post some pictures later .
  11. I had a 1984 Buick LeSabre I called demon. I swear it was possessed.
  12. Onus......nice hat........Yo Ho mate....

  13. "I fear we have no vanilla." -was it from the roman Polanskis Pirates
  14. Go to the craft store and get a styro foam ball about the size of your head. Put it inside you can cut it in half take a strip of cloth around the outside and place it on a plate wet down the hat steam or a spray bottle will work and wait to dry. Just an idea
  15. my right eye is the good one left one shot out with a paper clip at 12

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