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About Karadimos

  • Birthday 12/05/1982

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  • Interests
    Pirates, History, Writing, Painting, Films, Afterlife, Paranormal, Traveling, Comics, Working Out, Yoga, Cooking, Baking, Coffee, Tea, Music.

    Degree in 2D Animation. Nearly have a second degree.
  1. I just read about the Star Clipper (I think that was the name of the company) tours of Thailand in 'Islands' magazine. Looks beautiful there.
  2. Karadimos

    Women's Hunting Coat

    A visual of making an 18th Century women's hunting coat.
  3. A Pirate Festival is being set up in Fairbanks, Alaska for Sept. 18th & 19th. Events: A wide variety including the Scalawag Ball. Check the blog for updates and event listings. More Info: http://fbxpiratefestival.wordpress.com/
  4. I know they had a music video in "Velvet Goldmine" that was in the genre. Ballad of Maxwell Demon
  5. "The Ghost and Mrs.Muir" was good.
  6. Is skin firming moisturizer just a sales pitch or does it really work? Curious and not very piratey at the moment.

  7. What?! Never heard of Adam Ant?! Adam was one of the major punk movement players - back when it was Adam and the Ants, then due to fights amongst band members it was switched to Adam Ant. Check these out. You might have heard or seen them, but just never realized who it was. Stand and Deliver
  8. I just got home from the gym. I just added an extra 10 minutes to my cardio and I had an easier time with my 150 sit-ups. :) Now I'm sucking down a protein drink and I'm getting ready to make some food.
  9. Writing a story that has a pirate ghost in it...

  10. I came across the term 'Fop Rock' on wikipedia because I was looking at some info on Adam Ant. So let me give you guys a definition: "A more recent and minor trend is "fop-rock," in which the performers don 18th century wigs, lace cravats, and similar costumes to perform, a minor movement that would appear to owe something to glam rock, visual kei, and the New Romantic movement. Adam Ant of Adam and the Ants would seem to be a forerunner of the trend, who occasionally performed in elaborate highwayman outfits. Other notable examples would be Falco's performance as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the song "Rock Me Amadeus," a #1 hit in the US and the UK, and #2 in Canada in 1986, and Boston-based band The Upper Crust." Do any of you guys listen to Fop Rock? I'm a big Adam Ant fan myself and I have a few Falco songs. Oh here we go...a video
  11. Wine anyone? Rum?
  12. Let's re-read the third bullet: "Salmagundi is also purportedly a meal served on pirate ships. It is a stew of anything the cook had on hand, usually consisting of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, and onions, often arranged in rows on lettuce and served with vinegar and oil, and spiced with anything available. The following is taken from a reprint of "Mrs. Hill's New Cook Book", originally published in 1867 and republished by Applewood Books of Bedford, Massachusetts." I've found some other recipes on the internet as well. They're all different! http://www.bigoven.c...ndi-recipe.html http://www.celtnet.o...eliz-salmagundi http://www.ifood.tv/recipe/salmagundi http://www.recipe-co...undi/14771.html http://www.cookadvic...4633-recipe.htm http://www.allbritis.../salmagundi.php
  13. I'm looking for a boat that's for sale in Nicaragua. I'm willing to spend up to $15000. Must have cabin. Not looking for a fixer-up project boat, though I do expect to work on it before putting out to sea. Fiberglass preferable, but wood acceptable.
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