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  1. Thanks, love! I will make this short for now, but come back later for more... it was MUCH work, stress, tears, blood shed (I mean it- I bled at some point and so did others- haha), arguments, and much more laughter. Everyone did a wonderful job, and I sincerely appreciate all the pirates coming together to make my dream of a real pirate ball come to life!!! The festival was fun, a lot of work, but FUN!! I will come back for more ranting and "thank you"s, but for now, THANK YOU, DIOSA!!!!! I a so glad you enjoyed yourself.
  2. is ready to set sail for a while! No more stops in port for this worn out wench!

  3. Looking forward to meeting you finally! We have heard many wonderful things about you!
  4. ALL SORTS OF VENDORS NEEDED! ANYTHING PIRATEY GOES! Time is running out. Contact me at renegaderaven@windstream.net for more information or go to www.southernpiratefestival.com for a vendor registration form. See you there!!
  5. Southern PirateFestival In Conjunction with Port Columbus National Civil War Naval Museum Friday October 22 (camping and vendor set-up) Saturday, October 23, 2010- Festival 10:00am to 5:00pm Sunday, October 24- Pirates Only Activities Port Columbus National Civil War NavalMuseum and Grounds 1002 Victory Drive Columbus, GA CO-HOSTED BY THE CUTTHROAT TITAN CREW AND THE CURSED FEW Enjoy The Southern Pirate Festival all day until 5pm, and then come party with the Cutthroat Titan Crew and Cursed Few! Separate Pirate Registration for Weekend Campers and Festival Entrance is $15.00. 2nd Annual DeadBuccaneers' Ball Ball- Saturday, October 23, 2010 7:00pm to 12:00am, Inside the Museum Featuring Pirates from the Southeastern United States, and BEYOND! GUESTS OF HONOR, Pirate King and Pirate Queen, Lady Strychnia & Israel Hands !! Welcoming MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF LEVIATHAN!!! **Tickets for the ball are $25 each!** DJ-ed Pirate Music by BILGEMUNKY and performances by The Brigands and Willoughby Caught! Photography by Raven's Musings, Mojo Foto, and TIGER LEE Lots of Rum! (cash bar- prices will be modest) Catered BBQ Buffet by Country's BBQ in Columbus,GA Lots of SWAG (party favors & booty) Costume Contest- 2 Winners Announced at 8:00 PM - Best DEAD Buccaneer Costume & Best DEAD (orundead) Wench Costume (to become 2011 King and Queen) - Winners Will Receive $100 in Prizes EACH - 10 Honorable Mention Prizes Given! PLEASE GET YOUR TICKETS PAID FOR BY October 1 TO ENSURE A MEAL. See www.southernpiratefestival.com for more information. TICKETS AT THE DOOR DO NOT INCLUDE A MEAL AND ARE $15.00. You can pre-register for the ball, camping for Friday and Saturday nights, pirates only activities,and a few special perks before the festival that weekend for just $40.00! Modern or period tents arewelcomed, as well as RVs and campers. Contact Kelly Youngblood (TheRenegade Raven) for vendor information and a form. (renegaderaven@windstream.net) Hotels within 2 miles for those that don't want to camp- Port Columbus Civil War Naval Museum Hotels +Motels Howard Johnson Inn & Suites in Columbus 1011 Veterans Pkwy., Columbus, GA 31901(Downtown-City Center) ~1.26 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Econo Lodge Historic District in Columbus 1024 Veterans Pkwy., Columbus, GA 31901(Downtown-City Center) Reservations Meeting Space Columbus Group RatesMap ~1.27 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Quality Inn in Columbus 1325 Veterans Pkwy., Columbus, GA 31901(Downtown-City Center) Reservations Meeting Space Columbus Group RatesMap ~1.65 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Days Inn Columbus Ft. Benning in Columbus 3170 Victory Dr., Columbus, GA 31903 (Downtown-CityCenter) Conveniently located to downtown as well as lessthan 2 miles from Ft. ~1.68 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Ramada Limited in Phenix City 3560 Us Highway 280 & 431 North, Phenix City,AL 36870 Reservations Phenix City Group Rates Map ~1.99 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Hampton Inn & Suites in Phenix City 620 Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy., Phenix City, AL36869 (Downtown-City Center) ~2.08 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval
  6. I have more information, too, John, that may help. :-) Thank you for posting this! Southern PirateFestival In Conjunction with Port Columbus National CivilWar Naval Museum Festival- Saturday,October 23, 2010 10:00am to 5:00pm Port Columbus National Civil War NavalMuseum and Grounds 1002 Victory Drive Columbus, GA CO-HOSTED BY THE CUTTHROAT TITAN CREW AND THECURSED FEW Enjoy The Southern Pirate Festival all day until5pm, and then come party with the Cutthroat Titan Crew and Cursed Few! Separate Pirate Registration for Weekend Campers andFestival Entrance is $15.00. <br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break"> 2nd Annual DeadBuccaneers’ Ball Ball- Saturday,October 23, 2010 7:00pm to 12:00am, Inside the Museum Featuring Pirates from the Southeastern United States, andBEYOND! GUESTS OF HONOR, Pirate King and Pirate Queen, Lady Strychnia & Israel Hands !! Welcoming MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF LEVIATHAN!!! **Tickets for the ball are $25 each!** DJ-ed Pirate Music by BILGEMUNKY. Photography by Raven’s Musings and Mojo Foto Lots of Rum! (cash bar- prices will be modest) Catered BBQ Buffet by Country's BBQ in Columbus,GA Lots of SWAG (party favors & booty) CostumeContest- 2 Winners Announced at 8:00 PM - Best DEAD Buccaneer Costume & Best DEAD (orundead) Wench Costume (to become 2011 King and Queen) - Winners Will Receive $100 in Prizes EACH - 10 Honorable Mention Prizes Given! PLEASE GET YOUR TICKETS PAID FOR BY September 1 TOENSURE A MEAL. See www.southernpiratefestival.comfor more information.<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break"> TICKETS AT THE DOOR DO NOT INCLUDE A MEAL AND ARE $15.00. Youcan pre-register for the ball, camping for Friday and Saturday nights, pirates only activities,and a few special perks before the festival that weekend for just $40.00! Modern or period tents arewelcomed, as well as RVs and campers. Contact Kelly Youngblood (TheRenegade Raven) for vendor information and a form. (renegaderaven@windstream.net)<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break"> We will be taking orders for tee shirts July 15. Hotelswithin 2 miles for those that don't want to camp- Port Columbus Civil War Naval Museum Hotels +Motels Howard Johnson Inn & Suites in Columbus 1011 Veterans Pkwy., Columbus, GA 31901(Downtown-City Center) ~1.26 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Econo Lodge Historic District in Columbus 1024 Veterans Pkwy., Columbus, GA 31901(Downtown-City Center) Reservations Meeting Space Columbus Group RatesMap ~1.27 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Quality Inn in Columbus 1325 Veterans Pkwy., Columbus, GA 31901(Downtown-City Center) Reservations Meeting Space Columbus Group RatesMap ~1.65 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Days Inn Columbus Ft. Benning in Columbus 3170 Victory Dr., Columbus, GA 31903 (Downtown-CityCenter) Conveniently located to downtown as well as lessthan 2 miles from Ft. ~1.68 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Ramada Limited in Phenix City 3560 Us Highway 280 & 431 North, Phenix City,AL 36870 Reservations Phenix City Group Rates Map ~1.99 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval Hampton Inn & Suites in Phenix City 620 Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy., Phenix City, AL36869 (Downtown-City Center) ~2.08 miles from Port Columbus Civil War Naval
  7. I concur! Perhaps the ladies need their own contest even! There are too many people notable of this award. :-)
  8. Very nice ta find ye again. I be fine like alwyas, wonderin' when n' where we meet again. I'm so happy ta play vampirates ve pirates with ye.

  9. It is the unanimous decision of our crew and many others that we would like to nominate Captain Christopher Youngblood of the Cutthroat Titan crew in Georgia into the Order of Leviathan! (www.cutthroattitan.com) Captain Youngblood is a historian (history major in his last year of college). He is also a pirate re-enactor, an officer/co-organizer for the Southern Pirate Festival, organizer and co-founder of the Dead Buccaneers' Ball, events board member of the National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus, GA, associate member of the St. Augustine Swashbucklers, and amazingly talented artist. He has begun doing many pirate drawings of notable pirates in the U.S. just recently, and has started his new business, www.piraticalportrayals.com. Captain Youngblood is also featured and a published artist for the covers of Southern Farm and Livestock directory (farm art) and has a children's novel that was illustrated by him that can be bought at amazon.com and Barnes & Noble stores. The novel is called The Night Watchers, and the author is Sheila Rice. Chris also co-owns an "at-home" business with his wife of which he paints, draws, and creates cartoons/logos/tattoos for commission. The website is www.heart-to-hands.com. Captain Youngblood, along with meself, has just recently been employed by a pirate themed restaurant to be the weekly entertainment for the customers, which includes a bit of acting, playing games with the children, entertaining at birthdays, crab race announcements, pirate event coordination, advertising, and so forth. Recently at the restaurant, we helped raise over $1500 in 2 hours for a child dealing with leukemia. We were fortunate enough to have Bloody Sam Rackham and Calico Ann with us. In the "pirate world," Captain Youngblood is a fierce and respected captain of a small crew of re-enactors, and is also dedicated and loyal to his friends. Each year, he, along with our crew, organizes a buccaneer ball to help fellow pirates get their names out into the community, whether it be for business purposes, or just to be known. This is also why Captain Youngblood has begun his pirate art of "famous" pirates, so that their faces and names can be more recognizable. He is always giving, never doing anything for his own benefit. His artwork has been solely for the joy of it up until recently when so many pirates convinced him to go into the pirate cartoon business. While his real character would make him a terrible pirate, it makes him an extraordinary person, and this is what warrants him way beyond perfect to be one of the Order of Leviathan for 2011. We hope the world will see Captain Youngblood the way we do!!
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