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adam cyphers

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Everything posted by adam cyphers

  1. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.manchestergalleries.org/the-collections/highlights-of-the-collection/mcgweb/objects/common/webmedia.php%3Firn%3D29081%26thumb%3Dyes&imgrefurl=http://www.manchestergalleries.org/the-collections/highlights-of-the-collection/narrativeobject.php%3Firn%3D878&h=2704&w=4064&sz=1109&tbnid=EkHQ0thhu2ugmM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsugar%2Bnippers&zoom=1&q=sugar+nippers&hl=en&usg=__z12sF0O73Hg7uBTJ7s9HLYfIzsE=&sa=X&ei=3LwtTfnaMZKmsQOPzsC5Bg&ved=0CCcQ9QEwAg they look like these
  2. ive got a pair of sugar snips for sale...asking $200.oo ive been told they date somewhere between 1700- 1800...i will post pics later
  3. buckle shoes...... chain shot or cannister shot
  4. ty diosa..and yes i agree with master cross.donate today..lol..and i too make an appearance in said video.though really only the top of my hat and coveralls may be seen.we are working diligently to get her afloat.even today in all its snowiness couldnt keep dutch from her;) and to anwser your question diosa unless im wrong luna is all we are funding as of the moment and all proceeds go directly to her. (edit)having looked at the entire video there is more of me...
  5. master hook ive not forgotten.the smithy is being moved to deltaville with our ship luna.hopefully we will have it set up this sunday then sail makers hooks grappling hooks boarding pikes and axes etc etc etc...
  6. we can make more,for some reason im good at making children...
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