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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by WilloughbyCaught

  1. Thanks for the kind words! But if its too sad for ye, I am sure I could dredge up something on a livlier topic....
  2. I play the octave mandolin, penny whistle, bodhran, piano, and a very little guitar....also love to sing sea chantys as well as traditional Celtic songs
  3. Hello. I just joined, and just wanted to say how happy I am to be on board. Truly, I find I am never happier than when in the company of good brethren, and look forward to many stimulating conversations! Pirate music is my speciality- love to sing sea chantys, write parodys of traditional songs ( no song is safe from this piracy!), and help aspiring pirates find their inner pirate.....
  4. The Captain's Farewell by Willoughby Caught We bid farewell to our captain beloved he's gone aloft for his voyage is through and onward we sail better for his commanding Captain, my Captain, how we miss you I remember the day that I stood there before him to show him the skill I had learned by his side Oh, save me, oh God, I am in the deep water nothing is missed by the Captain's sharp eyes He had his ways for he was a sailor with a love of tall ships, and a love of the sea So patient with others what would be a sailor a friend to us all and a mentor to me He abides in love, and he's off a sailin' In waters so distant our captain now strays As we go on, we will cherish his memory knowing he’ll look over us for that was his way.
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