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Everything posted by WilloughbyCaught

  1. Perhaps the answer to the ring cost issue would be to elect only a few new members each time. The harder it is to get into the Order, the more coveted it will be. And I do not see how we would benefit from growing exponentially with 12 new members each year or other year.
  2. I have seen much discussion about nominations for the next candidates for the Order of Leviathan, but no answers as to when and where to send our nominations. I, too , am in agreement that we should decided on who is nominated to our Order. All other orders and "societies" hand pick their members and it is put to a vote. I say we each nominate someone, and let the online voting determine the finalists. I do not think we should grow exponentially , but add a few members each year. Make it something to work for... to be worthy of. I am also in agreement that the dice should not be determining our Order choice, but only used for prizes or tiebreakers.
  3. Now if I understand this correctly, and I'm not saying that I do after the amount of beers I've consumed. But I believe each one of us/each individual, as an Order of Leviathan member gets to nominate somebody. ...........and where and how do we make these nominations, in order for them to be recognized as "official" Well I would assume our nominees would get emailed to Talderoy direct like, but I'll give him a call and try and find out specifically. Hear, hear, I agree! The dice only need come out to break a tie, or roll for prizes. But unfortunately, I do think members of Pirates Magazine will still be off limits.
  4. If you are looking fer a musical pirate show, look no further!! The Hysterically Correct Pirate Show can be performed with or without the rum songs, and is always a hit with the pirates. Original pirate music, traditional sea chantys, lively jigs and hornpipes..... we can even incorporate pirate drills working and fighting like real pirates. If you are interested, there is more info about what we offer at www.hystericallycorrect.com Willoughby
  5. Oh the things we do for beauty! Now I want a gold tooth too
  6. Available on CDBaby is Willoughby Caught's CD of Nautical Original Parodys- clever lyrics will tell all about Pirate's, and my talented friends are all playing and singing along!! You can just get your favorite song or the whole treasure filled CD. Included are songs you have heard from me at Chantysings such as "The Ballad of Grace O'Malley" and "Calico Jack", or perhaps the bluesy "Drink Like a Pirate"~~.... www.hystericallycorrect.com http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/WilloughbyCaught so get yerself to CDBaby and check out the great Pirate Music. PLUS- There's more soon to come- a children's version of the CD called Captain Drum (thats without the rum songs) and.... Loaded to the Gunwales~~~ A compilation of all your favorite nautical artist on one great CD with all monies benefitting the Colonial Seaport Foundation and the Luna Project www.colonialseaport.org
  7. We spent a bit of time with this exhibit while it was in Virginia, and it is truly amazing. If you can make the time, go to see it----it will warm the cockles of yer little pirate heart....
  8. Sure. I think that would be fun! Can tie in some related history too
  9. I'll second that motion. I heartily third that motion. I am a member of the Colonial Seaport Foundation since its inception,and a staunch supporter. If you have not joined this worthy foundation, visit www.colonialseaport.org to learn more about the Luna project and the mission of this non profit organization. The Luna is a reality. We WILL have a Bermuda Sloop on these waters in the future- she is being restored as we write....
  10. Are you permitted to nominate more than one Captain? I have two and wish to nominate them both
  11. Ahoy Captain Midnight! was just wondering if you received the information about my wanna be pirate flag?
  12. put him in a longboat til he's sober put him in the bilge and make him drink it
  13. I am having a serious desire to join the Order of the Fluffy Bunnies. What is the criteria? I mean, we all have to have goals in life, and I am making this one of mine....
  14. Our upcoming Blackbeard Festival would be a fine time to bring the Order together. It is still several months away to allow for planning, and it in my humble opinion, one of the finest pirate festivals ever. Many of you already attend this event yearly, and there are many great photo ops for the group such as a variety of tall ships and waterfront venues. Just a thought....My link or that may be www. hamptonblackbeardfestival.org
  15. Not bad for a first time event
  16. YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!! I have an idea but have no skill to make it happen. I will email you the idea right away
  17. I wish I had a pirate flag of my own. Is there some wonderful artistically inclined brethren out there who could help me design one?
  18. Would a PIRATE by any other name smell so sweet? Oh... sorry, that was a rose. I shall see to the coffee straightaway
  19. <P>I believe this was the most fun I have ever had on shore</P>
  20. Would you like to add in a sea chanty workshop?
  21. Watch it there, mate! I am a card carrying member of that Order of Unicorns, Pansies, and do Gooders!!!
  22. I agree that this discovery is disturbing. Personally, I struggle with constant misperceptions of the pagan faith having others assume that there is a devil worshiping aspect when nothing could be further from the truth. With this new research coming to light, I do not think we need to be associated with devil worshiping of course, but it appears that there are other broader meanings as well. Very clearly defining ourselves and our purpose could likely prevent any problems, though. Perhaps to consider "Brethren of Leviathan" or Pirates of Leviathan"--getting away from "order" which in itself has religious overtones and connotations altho "the order of Larry" has a nice ring to it....
  23. "Hippo Birdies Two Ewes!"

    What's theses animals got to do with you?

    It's Strolling through that menagerie

    I send this Greeting out to Thee!


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