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Billy Leech

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  1. Actually, I do have one more follow-up question, specifically with regards to a frigate. For a single gun-deck frigate, would all the cannon be in the same space, or would there be multiple sections of the gun deck separated by walls, each with its own supply of powder and shot? (This is important to how a key plot-point develops) Thanks!
  2. Billy, that book will give you neither dimensions nor speed. It will give you ideas on pirate tactics, which vessels pirates favored and why they favored them. That'll come in handy as well. In terms of dimensions, tonnage, and speed, what would be appropriate for a light frigate with 30 guns? Any recommendations for a resource on this?
  3. Well, I've looked into all the ships that have been mentioned, including the sloop of war and the brig sloop. I can certainly see the logic of using a sloop and its advantages over the light frigate. Nevertheless, because of the needs of the character, in terms of his personality and the tactics he favors, I think I'm probably going to go with the light frigate, sporting 30-32 guns. I'll definitely be incorporating what I've learned on this thread into the plot of the story and the tactics used, so please don't consider any of your efforts wasted or your advice ignored. I'd explain more in terms of the plot and the character about why I made this choice over the sloop, but I want to keep plot details secure. I'll also track down the book that was mentioned earlier, The Sea Rover's Practice, for more detail on ship dimensions and travel speed. When would be the best times of year for a frigate (or any other ship) to travel from Kingston to Santo Domingo, and then to Bristol? Thanks again for all the help!
  4. Hmmm...a light frigate sound like a workable alternative to a sloop. How fast and maneuverable were they, and how fast could they travel the distances mentioned in the initial posts? (Also, how light of a frigate are we talking about? Based on this link - http://piratemaster.wetpaint.com/page/Types+of+Ships - assuming it's accurate, which of these are we talking about? (I'd been considering a fourth rate, but a sixth rate sounds more reasonable for a pirate or pirate hunter to use). What kind of tonnage are we talking about for a 30 gun frigate? What's the general consensus on the best choice between a light frigate and a sloop? Once again, thanks for the help!
  5. Hrmmm...well, looks like he's going to be sailing in a sloop, unless he plays the "make the target come to him" game. Just for one last shot, what about a British third class ship of the line? I've heard those had a pretty good balance between speed and firepower. Would those have been in use for a while by 1721? I appreciate everyone's help on this. Thanks!
  6. It does indeed. Much appreciated!
  7. Hi, For a writing project I'm working on (same one I was asking about the ships for), I'm trying to figure out what sea shanties would've been around by 1721. As far as I can tell, "All For Me Grog" and "Health To The Company" were written after 1721, and I'm wondering if there are any others out there I could use. Thanks!
  8. Hi, Can anyone help me out with some info on ships and sailing times in 1721? For a writing project I'm working on, I'm trying to figure out the best choice of ships to give a main character, a pirate turned pirate hunter, and to make sure I get the details right. I had the idea that the ship he uses was a warship he'd captured and commandeered for his own uses a few years back (so it could be something from the late 1710s). Whatever model or nationality it needs to be, it needs to have a balance between firepower and speed, and provoke a sense of "Oh f***, we've gotta go up against THAT?" I know sloops were more commonly used by pirates and navies alike, and pirate engagements with the navy were rare, but it's kind of an important character point that this character could successfully commandeer a more powerful warship. (If I absolutely can't get away with it, I'll give him a sloop, but the more powerful the ship, the better). So for 1721, what would be the best ship to give this guy that incorporates what I'm going after, and what's a realistic number of tonnage, cannons it could hold, etc.? This next one's especially important - how fast could this ship sail from Kingston, Jamaica to Bristol, England? (Also, how fast between Kingston and Santo Domingo?) I know I'm asking for a lot, but if anyone could help me out with this, or direct me to someone who could, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!
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