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About PWPirate

  • Birthday 06/06/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Port Washington, Wisconsin
  • Interests
    Pirates, Rum, Navy, Preventing Scurvy, Rum, Tornados, Rain, Rum, Invasions, Parades, Fireworks, Thieves Marketplace, Entertainment, Mayhem, Merriment, Rum, Pirates and Rum
  1. Additional contact numbers and email: 262-388-9762 info@portpiratefestival.com As you can imagine things are really busy here. Please be patient. We had to redo the website at the last minute and information is slowly making its way back up. The schedule WILL be posted, please no questions about that. In the meantime please have your friends join us on facebook and myspace and be kept advised of the latest developments!
  2. Ghost Ships 3/5-6 Milwaukee

  3. Pictures? If a picture is worth 1000 words, how much is a motion picture worth? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRTeo1qNigM
  4. Pictures? If a picture is worth 1000 words, how much is a motion picture worth? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRTeo1qNigM
  5. Applications are available online to fill our ranks for entertainment, re-enactors, and goods vendors, (sorry we're full up on food vendors)
  6. Ahoy! A few of our pirates have stormed the wrecks of the great lakes! Join us here today and tomorrow. Pirate swag, Temporary Tattoos by Pirates Ink and Moonhowler Productions at our booth. Plenty of great exhibits here too! Careful you m ay learn something! Buy some dive gear, learn to dive, and check out some local shipwrecks by reserving a charter with one of the many charters!! visit their website: www.ghost-ships.org
  7. Where is the rum? Guess I'll know in 4 hours at the Ghost Ships Festival social mixer! Down here at the Wyndham in Milwaukee, WI. Four Points Scooter's Sports Bar!!!
  8. How do I create us a new thread for this year?
  9. Hallo there! The 6th annual Port Washington Pirate Festival is looking for new vendors! We have 20,000 attendants over our 3 day festival. We're waving late registrations thru April 1st! If you or someone you know has pirate-esque merchandise... we want YOU! Our website is: www.portpiratefestival.com The Thieves Marketplace Application may be accessed directly at: http://www.portpiratefestival.com/pdf/2010/10marketplaceformpdf.pdf Watch our promotional video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRTeo1qNigM Please mention how you heard about us on your application! If you have any questions after visiting our website please email me directly at: vendor@portpiratefestival.com Thanks! Sackie
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