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Captain Goldie Hawkins

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About Captain Goldie Hawkins

  • Birthday 05/09/1970

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sailing the Atlantic waters
  • Interests
    Sailing, plundering, looting, money, drinking, getting booty, and one handsome Pirate Captain
  1. Duncan, a little bird o'er in another pub told me that today be yer natal day. Let me be the first to wish ye a happy birthday and your first round is on me. Cheers, mate!
  2. *** stepping OOC*** Ah, now that I've got a moment to catch up on this thread. Thank you to those who posted their birthday wishes for me. Much appreciated greatly! It was a great birthday and it was also Mother's Day so I was doubly blessed (I have an almost 4 year son IRL) ********************************************************* ***back IC*** Arrrr!! Thank ye mateys for wishin' me well on me birthday. There be only one man that will be sittin' in the brig for a while, but I know that he's been a busy man lately with mundane work. (Miss you, BB, my love...) So again, I thank ye all from the bottom of me black heart...
  3. It was pretty clear that he was going to be the favorite to win the 2nd million dollars. Rupert totally deserved that million dollars. He played the game back to back without the lies and deceit. He was always good to his word. I watched the whole show last night. I was glad that one of my personal favorites was in the "Final Four" - Colby. Now, excuse me while I wipe the drool off my chin
  4. Today be a fyne day to be celebrating me natal day with a fyne bunch such as you all. So, who's buying me all me rounds today? And that notorious Pirate Captain that stole me heart best be showing his face about soon, for I be missing him terribly. Here's to me natal day!!!
  5. Trapper, Thanks for the info on Tom's "tour". I'll keep the last date in mind to go see him. It'll be good to hear an East Coast pirate sing a few shanties.
  6. Born and raised in MA, but long to sail to other ports overseas, then along the Gulf Coast, and then sail up the Pacific Coast
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