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Everything posted by DeadMenTellNoTales

  1. i think i like the sound of pirates on t.v......give a little flavor ta all of the land lubbers on what the bloody hell they are missin.
  2. bah!! if i been livin on the ports of New Orleans most of me life....i think i have seen it all. ::wink wink:: also with the friends i have.
  3. ::she blinks to jack...:: ..men will be boys:: she shrugged and went back to EP.:: ello again...thought we might put some use back inta that saddle, savey?
  4. humm....that is true...but the only way i could be going if it was in galveston
  5. yah want tah be arm rassling me, lass?
  6. ::leans over and picks up a soggy bowl of what used to be chow mein.:: ere it is lass.....
  7. ::she hopes off to EP's back and wlakes up casually to Jack. she smiled to him:: ello poppet. :: she then punched him hard in the stomach and kneed him in the gods.:: yah loaded eh?
  8. :: she kicks EP hard in the ribs for him to go. she smiled and clicked her mouth and trated him like a horse.:: giddy-up, poppet
  9. wahoo!! tell me the time and place and i wil go!
  10. ::whimpers:: i wanna come
  11. sooo........im concidered a kid?
  12. :: she took the saddle and mounted it onto him and strapped it on:: hah!! ::she jumped onto his back and she got him to his knees.:: no go!!
  13. i beh likin it real rough.:: she takes out her sword and slashes the cable cords and runs off with them:: yah will neva get rough with meh! :: she thorws the cords at him.:: but i will get rough with you!:: she sheths her sword and pushes him::
  14. ::she walks into the pub:: ello ello.....fightin without meh eh? :: walks up to El Pirata and kisses him on the lips then punches him in the stomach.:: there yah go!!
  15. Im with Hurricane.....i would love to jion....but i live far away and that would be a problem in jioning the merry making and the fun activities. Though that doesnt sound like a bad idea at all
  16. i write some poeam myslef....along with somgs and such
  17. Ive been likin pirate ever since i was a young one when i saw the great classic peter pan.(by disney) fellows laghed at my fancy, but they could not stop me!! As i became older, i started to read fantacy novels and such. now i read histories on pirates and piracy and i be hooked matey!!
  18. aye.....me has a P etched inta me wrist.....im thinkin about gettin it inked....i did it meself
  19. i got one ofmy shirt for walmart...you will be suprised.....i think i can sew....so....yah...
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