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The Island

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Everything posted by The Island

  1. I thought of writing a book but have no clue how to do it exactly and my english language skills suck. I am an investigator and like to find everything there is to find about a particular person. It seems to me so many different stories, when you read about these infamous pirates alot of fiction and little facts but too me its fun to hunt for information and pick peoples brains and to determine whats true and whats not. So, I appreciate everyones help with my questions espically Foxe and Daniel have been so helpful. Its just frustrating to me and makes me want to dig deeper when you hear so many contradicting information on these pirates.
  2. Guys, I need your assistance, I read in, The Republic of Pirates Palgraves was wearing a wig and had very tanned skin. I read in another source he was a mulatto. Excuse me for the dumb question but if Palgraves was a mulatto would he be considered a gentleman and allowed to partake on gentleman privileges such as wearing a wig and would his father been black or his mother or one of them a mulatto? I would agree this statement is false because the father would not be a wealthy man and espically an attorney general in those times. Also found in his crew(Marianne) he had one Indian, was this Indian confused with John Julian of the Whydah or maybe coincidentally another Indian amongst the two crews.
  3. I am wondering if any pirates started or intended to start a pirate colony? I read in Seitz book " Under the Black Flag" he wrote about Richard Worley during his capture and death that aboard his ship were 30 woman that were going to basically set up shop on an inlet in the Bahamas to start a pirate colony. What do you guys think about this any thoughts?
  4. Does anyone know the correct death for Richard Worley, he was KIA in the battle with two sloops or he was hanged at Charleston with John Cole? I am confused also with two sources did he command two ships at the time of death the Eagle and New York Revenge's Revenge or was Cole in command of the Eagle?
  5. Guys, Maybe you can help, I think this pirate captain Thompson is a ghost in terms of info like Napin and Nichols are. This is another one mentioned in Cordingly's book "Under the Black Flag" page 119 "In Dec. 1718 Governor Lawes of Jamaica sent out two sloops to capture a pirate ship commanded by Capt. Thompson, who had the nerve to take a merchant ship within sight of Port Royal Harbor. The first sloop to reach the pirates was shocked into submission when the pirates threw vast numbers of powder flasks, granado shells, and stinkpots into her which killed and wounded several and made others jump overboard. the second sloop was so demoralized by the attack that she fled back to harbor". The balls on this Thompson to bluntly do this sounds like Vane to me and then to wait and attack two sloops armed coming at him simply amazing!! Have you guys heard anything at all more of him. I could find only this one source? I thought maybe he was a pirate captain Thompson mentioned in Jenifer Marx book. She mentions a Thompson called " Red Hand" back in the 1690's ???
  6. I was reading Breverton's book and he had a list of names of Roberts crew and the LORDS such as Henry Dennis was the only Lord spared being Hanged in chains. He did 7 years on a plantation. I wonder, what made him be reprieved espically being with Davis and then Roberts?
  7. I need help in finding any information on a Italian Pirate named Matthew Luke. All, I found was Gosse bio does anyone have any more info on this man and his career? Thanks
  8. How do you guys determine which is for the most part the true version of possibly what happened? I just got Aubrey Burl's book "Black Barty" yesterday late from the post and read about Cocklyn, Davis, and La Bouche. Now this author Burl states La Bouche took over the slave ship Bird Galley and renamed her Wyndham Galley from what, i have read in Patrick Pringle's book as well as other sources and some saying Snelgrave(master of the Bird Galley) who wrote in his memoirs that it was Cocklyn who took the Bird Galley from him and renamed her Wyndham Galley. Burl goes as far to say La Bouche then renamed her right away again as Duke of Ormond. I am confused if Burl has more insight on the matter or great imagination?
  9. Does anyone have a list of names of all Roberts officers? Thanks
  10. I would appreciate that very much and thank you for the help
  11. I am new to this and am still hunting down books to read and further my knowledge on pirates in general. How many different Lieutenants did Bartholomew Roberts have under his command during his career and how many left his command to start on there own? I am finding information that contradicts on other small websites and just want the clear facts. Did these men like Kennedy, Anstis, Phillips, etc leave voluntairly or just take off in Roberts's ships making virtually a enemy with him? I see references that Anstis started off on his own and worked with Fenn starting his own pirate fleet like Roberts. Maybe, i am dumb but wouldnt it have been safer to stay in the fleet with Roberts and enjoy the spoils or was Roberts not as generous as they say? It just seems so risky and foolish to break away to start your own fame and fortune when the odds were agaisnt you espically in a small group. I just hope someone has the time to break down my questions and help create a list of Lt's and what happened to them. Thanks
  12. Does anyone have a link to the complete article of Ken Kinkor's "Black men under the Black Flag"? Thanks
  13. I know this one is tough but do any of you guys have besides Gosse's bio any info in depth about Augur's role with Woodes Rogers? I read Dafoes account but its so vague about Augur. Just wondering if there is any reference for his trial and was this the only Pirate that Hornigold brought back as a pirate hunter?
  14. Why, I ask about him is because he simply vanishes as does the ship. I know he took a pardon at the same time as Hornigold this was stated in Konstam's Blackbeard book and in Gosse's WHo's Who he met his fate in the gallows, i wonder if Gosse was guessing or what? Thanks
  15. I am only finding the same round about references to The Bird Galley and Thomas Cocklyn. I know she was captured on 1719.01.04 by Cocklyn. What else do we know about Cocklyn and what happened to The Bird Galley?
  16. I saw an amazing site Pirate Mythtory that showed the Pirate Flags fact and fiction. Does anyone have any other sites that show more flags like from more obscure pirates and the buccaneers as well? I am interested to see if there is more flags out there to view.
  17. Guys and Gals, I apologize in advance if this has been covered prior! What do you guys feel about Blackbeard and Woodes Rogers knowing each other and in fear of having his identity being truly known did not take up Vane on his offer to attack Nassau? I believe if it was another Governor and not Rogers, I believe Blackbeard might of taken Vane on his offer. Do you guys think Vane would have had a chance agaisnt Rogers force with Blackbeard and others on his side?
  18. What, I think is ironic is that Vane was across the way hanging in his gibbet from Rackham both men would see each other again in a matter of speaking.
  19. If anyone knows the names of these two unknown pirate captains? I believe Nicols first name is Thomas since there was a Thomas Nicols, who was one of the many pirates like Hornigold to receive the Royal Pardon. I ask because it seems the only source, i found that stated these two names was in Cordingly's book, "Under the Black Flag". It seems these two pirate captains flags were well described and documented but nothing further is known on them.
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