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The Island

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Everything posted by The Island

  1. The Four Years Voyages of Capt. George Roberts. Written by Himself [Really by D. Defoe]. This is my new topic. I am inquirying because in Cordingly's book it gets in detail about a Capt. Roberts who is captured by Low and his pirate squadron in Sept. 1721 off Cape Verde Islands. Was this book actually written by Dafoe or Roberts? Because if this is a work of fantasy then would it be safe to assume that the whole detailed story of Roberts to be false like Low's flag "green flag with yellow man blowing a trumpet and Low having this compassionate side towards Roberts and his ship. The title, I got from Amazon.com and that was the description.
  2. Guys, I am really wondering if you can label Low the cruelest of all Golden Age Pirates? I ask this and am wondering because he had consorts like Lyne, Spriggs, Shipton, Cooper. Harris, etc. I have read and correct me if, i am wrong Spriggs was cruel and Lyne was a consort of Spriggs and he murdered all the crews he captured. I am curious to know more and a reference to Low actually using a Green Flag to summon his captains for a meeting? Foxe maybe you can help on the flag and post it, i went on your Bonventure (Pirate Mythtory) site and it was not found did you take it off the net? Second Part-- In your guys humble opinions what do you think happened to Low as to his fate?
  3. I was trying to keep it around the Golden Age of Piracy thats why, i did not include the Black Joke, I put Dampier in because he had a ship Roebuck during that time. Thanks
  4. I added quite a few also added a Pirate named Lane, Does anyone know his first name he sailed with England describes in detail his boat in Johnson's book?
  5. made alot of updates on ships.
  6. Dont forget if, i was a pirate and had a ship, she would be called Rosey Palm and Her Five Sisters... Tartan Jack lets go with your list if you want to captain this project and add the guns and ship type on your revised list and also put what Daniel has added?
  7. I hope we can make a master list of all of them and agree with Foxe on adding type of ship and guns she carried. Thank you Daniel and Tartan for the help also. I did not know Condon was Condent makes sense how similar the name is.
  8. Does anyone have the ship names for Emanuel Wynn, Black Caesar, Nicholas Brown, John Fenn? I ran out of captains and ships my brain is shutting down.
  9. I dont know if this has been started, I thought it would be cool to start a list of all pirate ships with names. If you guys know any other names these captains used please add them. To be continued.... William Kidd- Adventure Galley, Galley-Frigate 34 Guns Adventure Prize (formerly Queda Merchant ex-Moorish Ship) 34 Guns 400 tons John Bowen- Speaking Trumpet, ex-slaver 50 guns 450 tons Speedy Return, Brig Blackbeard- Queen Anne's Revenge, ex-French slaver flute 40 guns 250 tons Adventure, sloop 6 Guns Bartholomew Roberts Little Ranger, sloop 10 Guns Good Fortune, Brig 18 Guns (Anstis ran off w/ it) Royal Rover, sloop-of-war 32 Guns Royal Fortune (several ships, same name)Frigate 42 Guns Sea King, Brig 30 Guns Thomas Anstis- ran off with the Good Fortune, Brig 18 Guns John Evans- Scowerer, sloop 4 Guns Thomas Cocklyn- Wyndham Galley, ex-slaver 24 Guns Speakwell, sloop 24 Guns Samuel Bellamy- Sultana, British ship-rigged galley 26 Guns Whydah, ex- British slaver 28 Guns 300 tons Charles Vane Ranger (several ships, same name), sloop, brig, Lark, sloop 6 Guns Christopher Condent- Flying Dragon (later renamed Fiery Dragon) sloop 10 Guns 150 tons Louis Guittar- La Paix, (Peace) 20 Guns Mounted and 8 in the hold Pink Joseph Bannister- Golden Fleece, 30 Guns Jean Hamlin- Trompeuse(Deceiver) French Royal Frigate 32 Guns La Nouvelle Trompeuse(The New Deceiver) Philip Lyne- Sea Nymph, sloop James Skyrme- Ranger William Moody- Rising Sun, 35 Guns Olivier La Buse- Postillion, sloop 8 Guns Indian Queen, Brig 28 Guns ?, Brig 14 Guns (Johnson qoutes when he meets Davis) Palgrave Williams- Marianne, sloop Richard Worley- Eagle, sloop 8 Guns John Cole- New York's Revenge Revenge, sloop 6 Guns Benjamin Hornigold- Ranger, Benjamin, Spanish Sloop 10 Guns Happy Return, sloop Mary, sloop Adventure, sloop 10 Guns 20 tons Joseph Cooper The Night Rambler William Fly- Fame's Revenge (Formerly ex-British slaver Elizabeth) Snow John Halsey- Charles Henry Avery- Fancy, 46 Guns John Phillips- Revenge Robert Sample- Flying King, (formerly Mercury) sloop 4 Guns Matthew Luke- Vengence or Venganza, Brig John Taylor- Cassandra Victory, (formerly Fancy under England) Frigate 34 Guns Francis Spriggs- Delight(formerly Squirrel see Low) 12 Guns George Lowther- Happy Delivery, Merchant 16 Guns Thomas Tew- Amity, sloop 16 Guns Liberty, sloop 8 Guns 80 tons Robert Culliford- Mocha Edward England- Royal James, Pearl Fancy, (formerly Dutch Ship) Frigate 34 Guns 300 tons Stede Bonnet- Revenge (later renamed Royal James), sloop 12 Guns 60 tons John Gow- Revenge, Merchant 18 Guns John Quelch- Charles, Brig 80 tons John Rackham- Ranger (replaced Vane as captain), brig William, sloop 6 Guns 12 tons Samuel Burgess- Pembroke, sloop Margaret Thomas Howard- Prosperous, 36 Gun Edward Low- Fancy, Scooner 10 Guns 80 tons Rose Pink, ex-French man-of-war sloop Squirrel, ex- British man-of-war sloop 12 Guns (given to Spriggs renamed Delight) Ranger, (Unknown given to Charles Harris consort) sloop 8 Guns Merry Christmas, large ship 34 Guns William Dampier- Roebuck, 292 tons George Booth- Speaker, ex-British slave ship 50 Guns 450 tons Charles Yeates- Katherine, Bermuda sloop 8 or 10 Guns Nathaniel North- Defiance, Indian Frigate 56 Guns Howell Davis- Rover, sloop 32 Guns and 27 Swivels Nicholas Brown- Blessing Henry Jennings- Diamond, sloop 4 Guns St. Marie, French frigate 32 Guns Barsheba, sloop 8 Guns 40 tons John Martel- John and Marshall, Galley 22 Guns Nicholas Woodall- Wolf, sloop 30 tons Charles Harris, Ranger, sloop 8 Guns John Fenn, Morning Star, Brig 32 Guns Antelope, Sloop 24 Guns Lane, Queen Anne's Revenge (formerly Elizabeth and Katherine) sloop 6 Guns
  10. What is your guys opinions on the some what new book on Woodes Rogers called PIRATE HUNTER: THE LIFE OF CAPTAIN WOODES ROGERS (Hardcover) Graham Thomas Is this book worth the time and money? Thank you..
  11. Have you guys read about any other pirates being hung from a yardam with no trial such as the case of Joseph Bannister in 1686? I dont know why the Governor would have given Spragge that order to do so. I mean do you think Bannister would have been acquitted a second time in Jamaica?
  12. Guys, I am reading about Shipton, who was a Lt. to either Low or Spriggs then went on his own. Do you guys have any more info on him such as first name and fate? I see he is mentioned in Earle's Pirate Wars but want to make sure the info in there is accurate and any leads or sources would be very appreciated. I see Gosse stated his name as Skipton..
  13. Daniel, Madagascar Rediscovered by Mervyn Brown is a great book if you havent read it do so... I am glancing through Earle's Pirate Wars he mentions Madagascar and St. Mary's Island on a few pages as well. I was assuming too that St. Mary's and Madagascar was a great place also for a pirate haven. Earle was mentioning that most of the pirates left the island with other ships or crews and there was not enough of them to man a ship after time. I thought some members wrote that St. Mary's still can trace some pirate lineage to this day. It doesnt seem a real colony was formed there maybe I'm wrong.
  14. Guys, I am getting frustrated, I have searched and searched for a Joseph Cooper captain of the Night Rambler and found only his name mentioned in Hayward's " Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals vol. 3" in referance to a John Upton. Can anyone please help me out on any sources or websites that give more then his name any dates anything will be so helpful?
  15. Guys, I am reading Sanders book "If a Pirate I must be". What do you guys feel about Roberts being selected as captain after Davis's death? Sanders wrote basically that senior members saw Davis's death as an opportunity to rein in the power of the captains by appointing a weak candidate between powerful competing blocs. Why do you guys figure Roberts was elected captain over Davis's longer termed "lords" like Ashplant, Kennedy, Sutton, Magness, and Skryme among others?
  16. In England a Bird is reference to a girl. Maybe Queen Anne?? I am taking a long shot in the dark and getting drunk on Bushmills....Talking about COCKLYN I like in Breverton's book, he calls Thomas "Jeremiah" Cocklyn. I cant believe how twisted the names and stories get as other authors write. La Bouche named the ship Bird Galley and took it over and no wait Thomas "Jeremiah Johnson" Cocklyn took it over. What, I want is to see Ed Foxe write a History of Piracy book detailed with every pirate captain mentioned. I like your style of writing this would be a good book instead of seeing the 1000th book of Pirates written by Konstam about the same thing just with a different title each time . No offense to Mr. Konstam. Ni lia duine na tuairim!!! I am officaly drunk sorry its the booze talking and my Irish is coming out..
  17. Daniel, Dont forget La Bouche, and Cocklyn. Snelgrave reported that they were Jacobite sympathizers when they were boozing it up in the Bird Galley and saying some nasty remarks towards the King.
  18. Do you guys think most pirates followed Jacobite politics during the golden age and used this to back their activities?
  19. Can anyone tell me why Charles Vane was kept alive for so long almost two years before being executed in Jamaica? I am wondering if there is records supporting this also does anyone know, who Captain Holford was even his first name the man, who is written as an old friend of Vanes, who turned him in?
  20. I would like to get ahold of Kenneth Kinkor and ask him about where he got all his information on Hornigold and Jennings because in the endnotes of "The Pirate Republic" it states his name and date of 2003. Kinkor really has shed so much valuable info about these two men. I finally read this book and see why now Hornigold and Jennings became rivals due to Jennings taking his sloop which was Spanish owned at the time. I would love to find out more on these two characters. i want to thank everyone for there help on this.
  21. This would be interesting if we try and come up together with Jennings ending(from fact) if he did leave Nassau or retired as a planter or died in the hands of the Spanish.
  22. I am going to find where, i read exactly some author quoted that godfather phrase for them which, I found very humorous. I can picture Brando talking with his mouth stuffed with cotton balls NAH! ( The rumor, i heard when he did his voice impression in The Godfather movie) On the getting away with ripping off Jennings. I just assumed and (wrongly) that pirates for the most part had some ethics amongst each other and open game towards everyone else. I really never read anything like the Bellamy/Jennings situation before but thanks for clearing it up for me.
  23. Guys, I will stop gracing the forum with my boring topics ONLY if you help me with these few questions on these two interesting characters. These two are to some considered the Godfathers of pirates one faction belonging to Jennings the other Hornigold. If these two are so famous espically Hornigold for being a mentor of so many pirates, why is there so little written on him? What made Jennings and Hornigold rivals of each other? I read also that Bellamy and Williams, who at the time were, I believe sailing with Jennings sailed off with his treasure and joined up with Hornigold. Is there any good sources that explain why bellamy and Williams would do this and piss off Jennings and the others to join up with Hornigold? I mean its a small world for pirates and to make an enemey of a well respected and large figure as Jennings, I am surprised they got away with it. Has any leads or theories come up on either mans birth place or death except for Hornigold which is said to have been ship wrecked off Mexico and drowned? I guess what, i am getting at here with these two is they were so large back in the day being privateers prior to pirating then they simply just disappear without a trace and so little is known. I appreciate anyone who will humor me on this
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