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Everything posted by MondoMarcus

  1. I was wonderin' if ye all knows o' some pirate movies from back in the heyday that may be released on DVD? You know? The real romantic ones with tons of swordfights and talking parrots?
  2. Now, I know that these xanga sites be for personal journals and all that jazz. But I use it for an ongoin' story of the pirate kind. Now most of these jokes be inside with me friends and I, but I think you will all enjoy it. Let me know what ye think. ARRR... here it is... www.xanga.com/captainmondomarcuscabin
  3. I be wantin' t' start a Pirate DVD collection. Me question t' the crew is... what should a humble lad like meself start with? Been mighty interested in Pirates since I began surfing about four years ago. Actually, been doin' nothin' but dreamin' of sailin' the high seas in search of treasure. While I understand that it may be a slim chance of real adventure comin' me way, I still would like an indirect way of livin' life like a privateer. Any suggestions on some good DVD's t' wet me nautical whistle?
  4. That he is. The song is "Nitro" and can be found on his "Tribal Thunder" Disc. Very fast, and ferocious! Great for ridin' the seas to new found lands!!!
  5. Arrr... that be the classic eighties parody of the sixties era surf movies titled "Back to the Beach". It's a mighty good film and I happen to own it on vhs... still waiting for a DVD release I must say!
  6. Any of ye mates heard of Dick Dale? Mighty fine music t' listen t while sailin the oceans blue... especially if ye be so lucky t' find some waves t' surf on!!!
  7. Arrr... just wanted t' drop a line in the shanuttie b'fore me gets really goin' aboard. I would like to meet all of you wenches and gents... hope to have a jolly fine time sailin' the seven seas with y'all. And if me finds any treasure I be spreadin' the wealth! Arrr and ahoy!
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