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About WilliamKing

  • Birthday 08/15/1982

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Norfolk VA
  • Interests
    Boat building, sail making, naval architecture, artillery.
  1. Sorry for the edited names - the Navy is sensitive about press releases and apparently I sent Dutch a draft (oops). Final copies when its officially put out. The event looks to be great fun. If anyone out there would like to join us - including other boats - please let me know. This is still in the preparation stages and growing like a weed.
  2. Oh and I almost forgot - Chapman has several drawings in his Navalis Mercatoria - also available from Amazon. With respect to actual plan sets, unless the design is modern or re-drawn the drawings in Chapman, May and Chappelle - coupled with a firm knowledge of boatbuilding techniques - may be your only recourse. And the former almost never yields historically accurate designs, favoring simplified construction and improved longevity instead. Let me know if I can help in any way. WRK
  3. Another name for what is commonly referred to as a longboat is a launch. I should definately recommend to you the "Frigate's Boat" designed by Paul Fisher of Selway Fisher. The Historical Maritime Society of the UK and the group to which I belong are both invested in this design. HMS's 'Blue Launch' is already in the water and can be seen on YouTube and thier website. Ours is still under construction due to hiccups in funding. I may also recommend you the book The Boats of Men of War by W.E. May - available on Amazon. It is a wealth of information and has many drawings from which you may derive plans etc. I hope this helps. WRK
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