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About Brass

  • Birthday 09/01/1968

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    metro Detroit
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    living history of all types

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  1. You're lookin' great I.H. And based on what I see in this photo, this buccaneer needs to eat less good food and stick to salted cod or something. Look at that gut. Yikes....!
  2. Searles crew - It was indeed great to see you guys again this year, you do a lot of hard work and put on a great event. Brass
  3. Interesting statement Brass. When you state, "and to a different island." Do you or anyone else consider St. Thomas not the place to visit? Please tell me due to the fact I am looking for the grand place to enjoy and if St. Thomas is not the place, I would like to know! E. W. My statement was not a reference to St. Thomas, is was a refernce to Cuba. Brass
  4. E. W. I have similar thoughts regarding the Caribbean, though having to do with a wee spot on the map in eastern Cuba. I spent a year there with the NAVSTA GTMO Army mission. Never thought it was possible to spend a year in the Caribbean and not have a whole lot of fun, but then dealing with the crowd I had to deal with isn't exactly a good time. So, as with your thoughts on the matter, it would be cool to go back at some point under different circumstances (and to a different island, at least at present!). Brass
  5. S. McD. - In addition to the good Mssr Bagley's pitch on the inside, it might not hurt to slather and rub boiled linseed oil on the outside of the vessels (though not too close to the insides or rims). Rub it in the wood until it won't soak up any more and as you're rubbing it will actually start to warm up in your hands. This is a period way to add some life back to the wood to swell up the fibers and close them up a bit. My guess is the wood dried out over time and with repeated washings. Introducing some natural boiled linseed oil now and every so often in the future would likely help the leaking situation. Brass
  6. John, To add to what the good Mr Bagley posted, following is information that gives context regarding the use of ‘cartridge’ boxes/pouches and the cartridges that went in them. Source information from pages 63-65 Arms and Armor in Colonial America: 1526-1783 by H. Peterson (Dover Publications, Inc 2000): “The device that appeared to supplant the bandolier in America after less than half a century of popularity was the paper cartridge. This innovation was developed in Europe sometime during the second half of the 16th century. The first cartridges were simply individual charges of powder rolled in paper tubes. The balls were still carried in the pouch [leather ball pouch like those affixed to bandoliers]. They were, thus, a true form of semi-fixed ammunition. By the end of the century, however, a means of attaching the ball had been devised. This was done by tying one end of the paper tube to the sprue which was left when the ball was cast or to a special flange which was sometimes added to the ball. In neither of these instances was the ball covered by paper, but now a form or fixed ammunition had been developed. It is not known just when the completely wrapped cartridge was developed, but as late as 1697 Saint Remey illustrated a cartridge with the ball attached by its sprue as the latest type. Cartridges were normally carried in a box or pouch specifically designed for that purpose. The earliest boxes were usually comparatively small, designed to hold pistol cartridges, and were used primarily by cavalry. These boxes are known today by the name of patrons, from the German and Scandinavian word meaning cartridge. Usually they were made of wood or bone, often with elaborately etched and engraved iron mountings… Later, when the use of cartridges spread from the cavalry to the infantry, cartridge boxes of the more conventional form began to develop. Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden is often credited with being the first European monarch to equip his infantry with cartridges, and indeed his action early in the 17th century certainly places him as one of the first, well ahead of England and France. The Swedes brought their fondness for cartridge boxes with them to America, and the earliest actual description of a cartridge box in America is found in the report of Governor Rising of the Swedish settlements in 1654. In this report he asked specifically for: “…bags of leather with three or four compartments, in which one could place cartridges; these are many times better in the woods than bandoliers…” The exact date at which cartridges were first brought to America will never be known, but most of the references to them are found about the middle of the 17th century. The Dutch in New Amsterdam used bandoliers for their matchlocks but ordered cartridge boxes for their wheel locks and flint arms. In New England, Captain Church frequently referred to the use of cartridges in King Phillips War, 1675-1677, and inventories of arms of that period in various individual colonies included cartridge boxes. It is safe, then, to assume that the cartridge was in widespread use in America by the third quarter of the 17th century. It should not be supposed from the above comments that the bandolier completely superseded the flask in the period under consideration. The flask and horn retained considerable popularity, especially for non-military use, throughout the entire period and indeed until the metallic cartridge made the muzzle loader completely obsolete. The bandolier enjoyed only a short period of popularity, but a few survived until almost 1700.” Brass
  7. Foxe & all, Though a very early reference - even so for my buccaneer impression - following are some historical thoughts on boots that might be of interest here as they’re contemporary observations. Again, very early era and certainly not GAoP but methinks is worth putting in this thread as general historical boot info. Source material: Two Centuries of Costume in America, Vol. 1, 1620-1820 (chapter XIV, Batts and Broags, Boots and Shoes) by Alice Morse Earle 2003, available online as a Project Gutenberg e-Book: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10115/10115-h/10115-h.htm##VII “So great was the use and abuse of leather that a petition was made to Parliament in 1629 to attempt to restrict the making of great boots: ‘The wearing of Boots is not the Abuse; but the generality of wearing and the manner of cutting Boots out with huge slovenly unmannerly immoderate tops. What over lavish spending is there in Boots and Shoes. To either of which is now added a French proud Superfluity of Leather.’ ‘For the general Walking in Boots it is a Pride taken up by the Courtier and is descended to the Clown. The Merchant and Mechanic walk in Boots. Many of our Clergy either in neat Boots or Shoes and Galloshoes. University Scholars maintain the Fashion likewise. Some Citizens out of a Scorn not to be Gentile go every day booted. Attorneys, Lawyers, Clerks, Serving Men, All Sorts of Men delight in this Wasteful Wantonness.’ ‘Wasteful I may well call it. One pair of boots eats up the leather of six reasonable pair of men's shoes.’ " Brass
  8. I.H. Greetings ami, I'd say there is a high bar generally, not with my 1660s campaigner privateer impression, but with the research journey that accompanies this particular era. Plus getting into the nit-noidy details and research is half the fun, and as you know and adhere to yourself being nit-noidy to get it correct is the right thing to do. We'll compare notes and research at the next event we're both attending or hopefully sooner. Lots of stuff to discover about the Morgan era, it is certainly not a plug-&-play impression. Brass
  9. Though not as fancy as M.A.d'Dogge or as interesting as Ivan Henry's impressions, here is my humble 1660s campaigner privateer outfit from the recent (and excellent) Searle's Raid event.
  10. Matthew - If you're keen on Morgan era info (mid-1660s) I have some info that might be of interest. PM me and we'll go from there. Brass
  11. Greetings again Ivan H, Here is a German website that has a pretty good handle on the history of "machine-loomed" stockings: http://www.german-ho...ndwirkstuhl.htm A quick overview of this research website that gets to your interest: Though the Lee hand-knitting frame came about in 1598, machine loomed stockings perhaps more the way we'd recognize in today's reproductions do not seem to have come around until 1758 with the advent of Jedediah Strutt's double-face fabric (machined ribbing/'Derby ribs'). This leads me to believe that 17th century 'machine loomed' stockings didn't have the stretch ribbing their later descendants had, this is touched on in the timeline of the website above. I'd say your best bet would be to go with hand-knit wool, here is a place that made a couple pair of hand-knit wool stockings that I'm very pleased with: http://www.bethlehem...ne-shopping.php Of course you could go with Reconstructing History's fabric stockings pattern (linen cut on bias, seam up back), I made a few pair of these and I found them to be rather tedious projects – I can't seem to get the friggin' bagginess out of them even though this type of stocking is going to be baggy in certain areas no matter what: http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/products/rh001-cloth-hose-4 Good luck in your search, sorry I can't comment on the neat examples you posted above. Brass
  12. Good Mr Couper - Excellent photos of the event. It takes a very good photographer to make the likes of me look even remotely presentable and you've certainly achieved such in the several photos I was lucky enough to be in. My Maria, however, always looks good and it's nice I didn't detract. Bravo to you sir! Michael B - Finally meeting you and your lovely frau, Capt J and his excellent lady Janet, Red Jessi & Patrick, and Mark G was a treat and I hope we can be neighbors in camp again soon. Brass
  13. Jeff - Thanks much to you, Capt W, Doug and the whole Searles crew for hosting an excellent event. Maria and I had a great time at St Augustine, we really enjoyed ourselves and appreciate the effort your team put into making things work so smoothly. Your guys did a lot of hard work to make things excellent and for Maria and I to feel very welcome there. It is much appreciated. We'll definitely be making the drive to Florida next year to see you all again. Brass
  14. Mission - Perhaps try http://www.todsstuff.co.uk/theenglishcutler/generalmisc/genmisc-toillette.htm for an earscoop repro. Peter Goebel also offers a bodkin/earscoop combo http://www.goosebay-workshops.com/MISCELLANEOUS. Note: I got this item for my Maria and it is a great item. Brass
  15. Mr Hand - Be of good cheer, mate. Will hopefully be seeing you at St Agustin in March, my first time out though I'd like to share documentation &c of the era if you're there. There is more to life than GAoP mon ami, there are at least a few of us 1660s campaigners out there. Brass
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