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Jas. Hook

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Everything posted by Jas. Hook

  1. Aye, iPirate, congratulations again to ye and the Lady. Ye be setting a full watch afore long. Jas. Hook
  2. Jas. Hook


    See there's just no accounting for poor taste and slick advertising. Jas. Hook
  3. Jas. Hook


    Aye to that laddie. For me a lite beer be a Bass Ale (or colonial equal). Corona n' Coors be used for musket practice. Bah, any wiz water that needs a lime wedge stuffed in it isn't fit for human consumption. Jas. Hook
  4. Aye, Congratulations Archangel. Three cheers be in order. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Jas. Hook
  5. Hummm... a new meaning to the expression "When Pigs Fly." Nothing starts the day like a little pig meat for breakfast! Damm, I even order Porkslap Pale Ale at the local cafe and on tap no less. Jas. Hook
  6. Aye... whot me matey Pegleg says be true 'nuf Welcome Pyrate Joe Jas. Hook
  7. POD - Sorry to see him move on. He had a great look. Perhaps he's out there forging some piratical items on the side for his old shipmates. Jas. Hook
  8. Ahoy and welcome aboard Cap'n Bungle! errrr, pardon... Mr. Bungle. IMO, one of the best 'Mr. Gibbs' looks is pub member Lucas Welsh. Check out the You in Yar Garb thread, posts #400218 and 399707 to help you with ideas. Jas. Hook
  9. Arrgh... and none be taken, matey. Pirated Jas. Hook
  10. Daniel - None that I know of, but having read the book your illustration replaces the one in my mind's eye. A simple, sturdy gibbet built by Mipps at Jerry's bidding on a raised, bleak patch of marsh that Jerry has purchased. I guess that's what drawings and illustrations are suppose to do, aid you the use of your imagination. Jas. Hook
  11. Hummmm... Gallows Point reminds me of Jerry 'Hangman' Jerk's gibbet at Gallow Tree Hill on Romney Marsh in Doctor Syn by Russell Thorndike. Jas. Hook
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