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About PrincipessaMarley

  • Birthday 10/06/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    West Coast of Sunny South Florida
  • Interests
    Reading any type of books, writing poetry, pillaging, jewelry, going out, etc.

    btw there's no option for AIM here so if any friends want to IM me my AIM is hbabylemonade.
  1. That. Is. AWESOME! If I ever get a boat, I'm coming to Glasgow just to get some fish and chips from the sail thru!
  2. I have a LiveJournal. Mostly I just wanted a place to be able to store my poetry and musings online without always having to write them down first. I don't worry about keeping it current really. So far I don't have any known readers so I only post when I write something significant I'd like to save and I just put it on there. It's more for yourself than anyone else unless you're looking to advertise something. And they are very simple to set up. You give the information they ask for (username, password, email address) the usual stuff. and I'll link you to mine if anyone cares to look. http://eggshellmind.livejournal.com/
  3. PrincipessaMarley

    Me and Family

    Not piracy related but whatever, haha.
  4. Tis lovely! Once it's finished you must take more pictures and post them here for us! :)
  5. a beer, plain and simple.
  6. freezing, another sleepless lonely night.

  7. Stays should not be mandatory in my opinion! I wouldn't be able to go around being restricted like that, haha
  8. Pepsi Max...so un-piratical. lol
  9. I bought a little toy. I'm pretty broke these days but they were doing a Toys for Tots drive at my school and I just had to get something for the kids.
  10. Agreed! Thank you for the welcome, I'll have to look up any of your poetry on here! :)
  11. Ah you stay true to your name :) Thank ye kindly!
  12. The cold front I can feel coming on the window's smooth surface. A cool wind blows against it and I can almost sense it... a windswept field of the mind so free of distractions. No positive or negative distractions. No flowers, grass, weeds, birds learning to fly above the zenith of the sky. An oxymoron, there is no zenith to the sky just as there is no end to the capacity of the mind. No limits for the expanding of our thoughts or perception. Past the barrier one still feels the wind and the cool air chilling their skin. Anticipation maybe, memory also. The memory of a sense feels as real as the sense itself. One wonders if the barrier is real at all.
  13. Thank you!
  14. It's not much but it's a start I suppose
  15. hello there young lass!

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