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Old Crow

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About Old Crow

  • Birthday 11/30/1958

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oregon Coast
  • Interests
    Piracy and Nautical Lore, ART, Steampunk, Renaissance
  1. Thank you, everyone who voted... we took #5. Thanks for the compliments on the ring also... I will have to post photos of the newest necklace.
  2. Wow, Pyrat Rum is actually quite good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. madPete


      aye. a favorite also

    3. Old Crow

      Old Crow

      Well usually I stick to Cognac or fine whiskey, thinking rum to be rotgut trash.... but ahhh Pyrat. Changed me mind.

    4. blythepyrate


      the only rum I drink. srsly. I am ruined.

  3. And Again, I Thank You! Contest ends in just over a week.
  4. Thank you!!!
  5. Nice work. Meet you face to face at the Portland Piratefest?

  6. Well now, my friends, Some of you have seen the jewelry I make. I need your help. The local TV station has a "best of" contest going, and my store, Foxfire Custom Jewelers was nominated as best designer jeweler. I was at #2 and have fallen to #4, AAArgh! I need some Pirates to storm the place and take #1! Just follow this link: Vote for Me! Thanks So Much, Old Crow AKA Michael Babinski of Foxfire Custom Jewelers
  7. Oh, verry nice!!
  8. Pirate Treasure Hunt in Depoe Bay in just 8 hours!!

  9. Well, Hell, let's make a party of it... we'll all still be here in October. And pinin' away for some piracy.
  10. Here in Depoe Bay, we have plenty of Pirate businesses... Pirate Cove gift shop, Pirate Booty Pub, Pirate Coffee Company, and down the road a spell there's Captain Dan's Pirate Pastry Shop, Pirate Island, Pirate's Plunder. There was until recently a pub called the Black Pearl. Why? We have a bay called Pirate Cove on any map you'd care to look at. Then there's the Sea Hag restaurant, and my own shop: Things Rich and Strange. All good reasons to visit. But wait! Each August we all get together and put on the Pirate Treasure Hunt, Saturday August 21st to be sure. Teams of four compete to win treasure chests stocked by the local merchants and every team's a winner, of course some win more than others. It's part game show stunts tasks, part murder mystery, with teams solving the clues and interacting with local pirate characters to see whodunnit. In the evening there's the Pirate's Ball, where the mystery play is enacted and the murder is solved. And there's an auction. And there's Rum. And there's Barbecue Dinner by Ripe Tide BBQ, our favorite Boucaneer. What's it cost? Just $100 for a team of four. Dinner is $15, and the bar is no host. It's all to benefit the Depoe Bay Food Bank, and Kids Holiday Toy program. Hope you can make it. Treasure Depoe Bay
  11. They are sterling silver, but I also make them in 14K gold, or I suppose 18K, heck, even platinum if you have the doubloons. see the link to me shoppe.
  12. Friday 70+ degrees a great day at the beach Today 45 wet and stormy, went on the beach anyway

  13. HEAR HEAR! I say!! McShane is just the man for the role, no one could be better. <<<rattles cutlas for emphasis>>> the sword, not the car.
  14. How about "party like it's 1699" ?
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