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Capt. Char

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Everything posted by Capt. Char

  1. Oderlesseye, i hope that thar' Dennis can see thar' film and change is' mind!<div><br></div><div>And thank ye' Black Syren, Rumba Rue, LadyBarbossa, J8ksdad, Silkie McDonough & RIPP Tar, pleased to be meetin' your acquaintance. </div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
  2. Thanks everyone! Ooo oderlesseye does that mean you're going to have a fundraiser involving pirates and paddleboats! That would be great fun... well actually i know first hand that it's very fun. Tourists like taking photo's of you though... that i definitely know now! lol. -Capt. ChARR
  3. Ahoy from ARRstralia! I'm a filmmaker/pirate fan and i recently made a 2-minute short film which is like "Pirates of the Caribbean" except on paddleboats. I thought i'd share it with some fellow pirate fans... You can watch it here... -Capt. Char
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