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About TenPennyJack

  • Birthday 05/04/1973

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  1. From Will Rogers (a famous okie): "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it'll change."
  2. I guess that's where the buggery comes in... You mount the eye-bolts in the joists, lad. AHA! I needs me a new dictionary, apparently. Let's just go with the term friggin' in the riggin'.
  3. Come on now lad, don't be shy; tell us where you really like to put it round! Lol. Women get bored in winter time, too. That's all I'm sayin'. I'd install a trapeze if I new the roof was sturdy enough....
  4. What's wrong with a warm mug of rum and buggering the lasses?
  5. Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.

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